This site is a legit way to earn money OR anything off of that you can think of. All you do is simple surveys, play gaMes, watch videos, and do daily tasks. In exchange you get points or cash which than you can shop on amazon or get a check. Even if you don't plan on using the site regularly... At least join and complete your
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I've cut the following people. Nothing personal and I'll give you a reason why. If you want to try and be friends again leave me a message! I'd appreciate you remove me or else get banned.
family_is_love - I really enjoyed being your friend but you've seem to disappear of the face of the earth. If you ever decide to return and be active feel free to add me back
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You guys all should go join my new community creative_lbms. It's a last blinkie maker standing community! I know I've got some amazing blinkie makers on my list :]!