Since the last post my dad called. He has offered to let me borrow money for mover. Called movers they will be available tomorrow (this is for furniture only but still a blessing). Confirmed with dad he will give me the cash tonight. Cancelled uhaul (with no cancellation fee!). Now I just have to figure out how to pay my dad an brother back. ::sigh
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So once again I am moving. My lease is up at the end of the month. Found a decent 3/2 trailer half way between Rob’s work and mine. I had borrowed some money from my brother to hire movers. Wait let me back up a bit. a few months ago I got a letter for a settlement on one of my credit cards from an lawyers office... same one that tried to sue me
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More often than not, when someone is telling me a story all I can think about is that I can't wait for them to finish so that I can tell my own story that's not only better, but also more directly involves me
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So Sunday afternoon found out that my brake line might be disconnected on the rear brakes. So the plan is that I'll take it to the shop tomorrow. Well I have to work tomorrow. So I told my boss the problem and that I was going to take it to the shop. I said "IF" they can't get it done in time can I WORK from home tomorrow. You would have thought
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I've been wanting to post for over 2 months now. But I never seem to find the time. Some of the things that have happened since the last post
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So I decided that I was going to take my neice and nephew out Sunday. We went to the roller skating rink and they were excited.... untill we got out there. I think Pax did ok but Anna-Kate had a hard time about it. I held her hand the whole time and we stayed next to the wall the whole time. When we got to the back wall a kid ran into me and I
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What is says about you: You are a tranquil person. You appreciate friends who get along with one another. You share hobbies with friends and like trying to fit into their routines.