Hero theme

Dec 28, 2010 06:23

Name: Colleen
Previous Stamps: N/A

Give a brief description of your personality:
There's that word again. Brief. What is this word exactly? (Sorry guys, I'm known as a Queen of tl;dr, so brief isn't in my vocabulary.)

I almost re-used one of my older personality spiels, but I figure som eof you already had to read that monster at least once so making you read it again isn't exactly fair. :P

When I was younger I was a very active, very outgoing little girl. I didn't make bonds very often because my family moved too much, but that didn't stop me from getting to know people and having fun anyway. I was brash and entirely too honest for my own good. I also couldn't go a whole minute without saying something.

By the time I hit my pre-teens to teen years I'd learned that other people's opinions mattered. I got hurt by some people I'd thought of as friends and suddenly turned more or less into a clam. Where I'd been an extroverted child I was a very introverted teenager. I lived in a world that I created inside my head as a way to get away from reality. Because of this, people tended to think I was withdrawn, cold, and snooty while in reality it was nothing of the sort. I eventually made a few good friends and they soon learned that I was actually as talkative and mischievous as I'd ever been.

Fast forward to the current day because this is already way too long. lol I'm not quite the person I used to be, though there are still flashes of my childhood that shine through. I'm much more likely to speak out now when I see something going on that I know is wrong. I've also learned that the opinions of other people don't matter nearly as much as I thought they did and so I've stopped making my decisions based on if other people would approve or not. I've learned to balance how talkative I am, being moderately friendly with unfamiliar people and much more open and relaxed around my friends. There's still a lot I keep bottled up, bad habits left from my teenage years. Also, I'm not half as impulsive and obedient as I used to be, but I guess that's part of what happens when you grow up, right?

I promise to not tl;dr everything quite as much as I did this section. Maybe I should have stuck to using the personality section I've used before!

Edit: Oh! For those who go on that sort of thing I'm an INFP.

List some of your positive traits:
1.Stubbornness - There are plenty of great words I could have glossed this over with like conviction, but ultimately it just comes down to the fact that I’m stubborn. I won’t be forced to do things by peer pressure unless they’re actually things I want to do. Which is rather at odds with my Insecurity, but I’m just strange like that I guess.

2. Open Mindedness - I don’t like to close my mind to anything. There’s a few things that I’ll not be open about (like trying new types of fish to see if I like them or that sort of thing), but for the most part I’m willing to see alternate points of view. This has played rather heavily on my political views as even if something doesn’t affect me, I’ll try and see how people feel on the issue and why they feel the way they do before I make a decision. (This goes especially for the hot button issues.)

3. Quick Thinking - I’ve always thought fairly quickly when on my feet. I thrive when it comes to working under pressure, which is why I tend to put things off until I’m getting close to deadline. (That and I’m just lazy I guess, but hey that’s another matter.)

... and some of your negative traits:
1.Stubbornness - Yes, this is on here twice. You didn’t read it wrong. Even I can acknowledge the many pitfalls to being entirely too stubborn. I tend to be a little too pig-headed and obstinate sometimes. I’m working on fixing this but it’s not exactly an easy process.

2. Pride - This ties into the stubbornness I think. It’s often my downfall as if I’m not careful I tend to develop this mindset of “If I’m not going to be the best at it, why try?”. Admittedly thinking like this rather disgusts me which is why I’m working very hard to change this as life isn’t always about being the best or anything silly like that.

3. Insecurity - This goes back to the whole pride issue. Since I’ve somehow got this notion that I have to be the best, I often can’t help but worry about if I’m doing good enough or if there was more I could have been doing to be better. It's something I'm working on as this has also played into my need to have the approval of others even people I don't know and never will know.

Are you more...

Outgoing or Reserved: Outgoing - I kinda already covered this, but I used to be Reserved because I was worried about how other people viewed me. It's not such a concern now since frankly I don't care half as much as I used to.
Energetic or Calm: Energetic on the inside and mostly calm on the outside. I've always been high energy in some way, it just tends to be more internal as I get older. My mind still goes a hundred miles a minute, but that doesn't tend to show physically. Though it's not exactly out of character for me to skip when I'm in an especially good mood or to do a little dance.
Cautious or Impulsive: Cautiously Impulsive? I'm pretty good at jumping into things without thinking. So now I tend to one of two extremes. I either don't think things through or I think them over way too much.
Stoic or Emotional: Emotional. I used to believe that showing emotions made me weak, but thankfully that's more or less a thing of the past. I do tend to keep a little back, but I've started telling people how I feel instead of bottling it all up inside.
Peaceful or Aggressive: Peaceful - I don't like arguments. I used to get into fights often when I was younger, but now I'd much rather find ways to keep the peace when at all possible. Don't think that makes me a pushover mind you, I'm far from being someone who'll just lie down and let people walk all over me.
Vengeful or Forgiving: Forgiving. I don't hold grudges. Probably because my memory is too lousy to remember when people have slighted me for long. Though naturally there's more to it than that. I honestly don't believe you can be forgiving and vengeful at the same time. Forgiving someone and holding a grudge against them because of things they've done in the past doesn't seem much like forgiveness to me. Though I do understand that just forgetting isn't good either because there's always the chance they'll continue to do whatever it is they asked you to forgive them for... I guess it's complicated, huh?

The journey begins...

What would be your main motivation for leaving in the first place? I've always been big on finding my place in the world and growing into who I was meant to be. So I guess it's more or less a journey of self discovery?

Do you prefer to travel with other people or would you rather be alone? Traveling alone might seem like a great option at first, but I know from first hand experience that I'm not very good at holding conversations with myself. So for a long journey I'd definitely need other people there with me for both help in hard times and companionship. That said, I don't suffer fools or whiners very well, so maybe a huge crowd isn't what I'd want either. Maybe just a small band of companions?

By chance, you've come across a group which plans to destroy the world with radioactive butterflies. Do you want to do anything about them or will you just ignore them for now?
Radioactive butterflies can destroy the world? As absurd as this concept seems, I can't just let them do whatever they want. I've played Fallout. Rad poisoning is nasty and I certainly wouldn't want everyone to turn into Ghouls! I mean, I know they're people too but they're kinda creepy. So needless to say they need to be stopped, before they do some serious damage to the planet.

Regardless of your previous response, fate seems to be forcing you to oppose them as they've now labeled you a threat. What would be your prime reason for facing them? For yourself? To ensure that your loved ones survive? For the whole world? Honestly? When answering the previous questions myself and my loved ones didn't come to mind at all, instead it was more of a 'for the greater good' kind of thing. So definitely the whole world. Though naturally self preservation and my loved ones are important too!

... but wait! Your learn that the secret, most powerful weapon is hidden in your hometown! You return to claim it, only to find the butterfly people have burned your town to the ground and quite a few died in the process. How do you react upon seeing this? I've never actually had a place to call my hometown, so the concept of a hometown is pretty sacred to me. If I had one just to loose one, it'd shake me up pretty bad. So needless to say I wouldn't be a happy camper. I'm not the sort of person to rage for long though. I think there'd be some loud fireworks to start off but it'd get to that weird numb, sad place pretty quickly. Think about it, all those people. Gone. All those cherished places from memory. Gone and just like that. I like to think I'm a forgiving person, but I don't think this is something I could just let go of that easily.

This is it, the final battle. Is there anything you want to say to your now deformed, winged, massive opponents, or do you just want to defeat them and get it over with? Part of me wants to ask them to repent and atone for their ways and part of me just wants them to pay for all the damage they've done. So I'd probably tell them that I was going to stop them so that they couldn't hurt more people like they did those people from my hometown and then proceed to the battle.

Peace has finally been restored to the world. At least for now. Do you long for home or for yet another adventure? Didn't my home town get all wrecked up a few questions ago? It sounds more or less like I don't have a home to go back to even if I wanted to do so. I'd probably head home to help rebuild. After all wandering can always wait until later. I mean, I've still got a lot of my life left after all.

(Optional) Which type do you think you're the least like? Pick only one: Offhand I couldn't say, sorry.

(Not optional) Links to four recent applications you've voted on:

hero: the tragic one

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