Los Altos Town Crier printed a nice piece on HomeSplit (3 pages in instead of front page, but what the hell! :) ).
Check out the March 29th Los Altos Town Crier, the special spring real estate section (Section 2) on Page 39, continued on 41. I'm stoked. Now we see if this translates into business.
Won a seat for Ultimate Bet's playoff series. If I win that on the 27th, I go heads up with one other winner for a shot at the televised final table on Aplit 1st, to be aired April 2nd. If I win a TV seat, I'll certainly post here
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Do we know anyone in unions and/or the AFL-CIO? I'm trying to present HomeSplit as a Union friendly way to buy homes, our philosophy of combined purchasing power is right in line! Anyone who has contacts along these lines, please point me in the right direction, I need sponsorship.
If you're at the basic level of service and are within 8000 feet of your local exchange, call your rep. Apparently, the next level of service is only FIVE BUCKS a month more, and it doubles your minimum and doubles your burstable maximums. I kid you not. AND there may be a promotion on where you get the upgrade free for like, a year.
HomeSplit.Com just went into Phase 2 Beta. Bare bones policy and procedure is up. Next step is full launch with scripts and forms next week. Then post launch, we'll have the site available in Spanish and Mandarin.
The last couple of BSG episodes (2 and 3 weeks ago) were really formulaic, not advancing the plot, and they even shared the same tedious hook of here's what's happening now, here's what led up to it, etc
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