hi again, guys.
a lot of stuff has happened since i last updated, and i haven't been livejournaling lately..
but yeah, me and the boyfriend and the cat moved in another city.
from kouvola to lahti. which is pretty good. we have a great apartment, great surroundings and great shit.
and since i know you ALL miss poju, i started a new blog!
less than three,
May 30, 2010 01:24
and of course, this year's eurovision, my favorite:
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he looks like a kpop-girl.
May 29, 2010 06:19
my boyfriend is a farty douchebag. my cat is playing with plastic kitchen utensils.
i still love them.
i wanted to put up pictures but no photohosting site was no cunt :(
[edit] besides lj's own photo upload. which i cannot use properly &hearts
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nothing really
May 11, 2010 14:18
well hello, livejournal.
long time, no see.
i was occupied with real life and things, so let's see, now that i'm unemployed again, if i can get back on track with this thing.
nothing really