Almost as if to mark the start on the one-month countdown to my wedding, the judge who was going to perform the ceremony backed out. We have a couple of leads, but holy crap. Canceling one month before a June wedding? What a jerk. I just hope one of the other people we've contacted can do it. I will get married on June 9th.
Wow. Since I made this account, a lot has happened that I could have written about. I got engaged, I changed jobs, I was diagnosed with MS, my sister had a goes on & on. Current news: I'm getting married June 9.
So. I was going to make an account for LJ so I could hopefully join Radio Free Banri because I'm impatient and need Saiyuki NOW NOW NOW. Surprise surprise, I discovered I already have this account. Go me! Now that I know about my awesome LiveJournal, maybe I'll post stuff in it.