I've been trying to explain to my husband for YEARS that when I'm pissed he just needs to leave me the hell alone and not try the whole "there's no reason you should be pissed" thing. He still doesn't get it. Worse he tends to #1 act patronizing. Not helpful. Or #2 manages to piss me off more (generally attributed to #1) and then get all hurt feelings on me when I snap at him. Nothing pisses me off more than him pressing my buttons, then him going all puppy dog on me and making me feel bad on top of how pissed I already am. Grrr. I may be working with my friends kid soon who has psycotic episodes though! He needs more interaction outside of the home, and is a gamer. He's also proven less likely to hurt a girl when in the grip of an episode. Some instictive grasp that we tend to be more breakable. So I may start gaming with him at some point to help with his socialization skills. This will be interesting, but he's a good kid. I hope you feel less freaked soon dude. Best of luck.
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