FanFic: Their First Time.

Sep 09, 2011 18:15

Title: Their First Time.
Author: rudeminnesotan
Rating: Rated M for Mature.
Pairing(s): HenWook.
Summary: Wookie finds a bunch of stuff for Henry and even some stuff for himself.
Genre: Crack, smut, fluff.
Notes: This is why you should not google ‘Justin Bieber Merchandise’. Because then you start writing fics like this.

Considering the previous situations of the past few weeks Henry had started to spend his lazy time in Wookie’s room, playing Angry Birds on his cell phone and what not. Never in his 21 years would he have thought that he’d actually WANT to share a bed with another guy, but …

“Wookie’s not like any other guy.” Henry muttered aloud to himself as he used one of the red birds to knock over a full tower.

“Henli-sshi~” Wookie appeared then, hands behind his back as if to hide something because he was.

“Wookie-hyung!” replied Henry sitting up in the bed. He was excited to see the creeper for a change. Noticing his reaction to seeing him, Wookie was thrilled so he went over and gave him a kiss because he could.

That kiss brought a huge blush to Henry’s face as per usual, but when he caught a bit of a glance behind Wookie’s back he started to try and reach out for what he saw.

“What is it?” Henry demanded, shooting out a hand.

“No!” retorted Wookie.

“It’s for me, isn’t it?” asked Henry.


“Lemme see it then!”

“STOP!” Wookie jumped away from the grabby hands, putting one hand on Henry’s forehead to keep him at arm’s length. “I have to show it to you in order!”

‘Order?’ Henry thought, resisting his grabbing to sit back on the bed. “Okay. Show me then!” the bed was patted too, so Wookie would come join him.

Before sitting down on the bed with him though, Wookie went to go shut the door of his bedroom. Only then did he turn around and hold out the Justin Bieber Party Bag. “JJA-Jjang!” Wookie said as he set the bag down on the bed.

“Oh geez.” Henry said when he saw the bag, taking note that it had a bunch of stuff in it.

“I found a bunch of stuff!” Wookie said with excitement, first pulling out Justin Bieber Squiggly Straws. Next he pulled out a Justin Bieber t-shirt and rubber bracelet set. This was followed by Justin Bieber Microphone Flossers.

“Hyung… I’m not obsessed with Justin Bieb---WOAH THAT’S SO COOL!” Henry exploded when Wookie pulled out the Justin Bieber Travel Kit. “Haha. Get yer Bieber Smile today. I love it!” Henry hugged the travel bag to his chest and leaned over to try and get a look into the bag, but Wookie pulled it back. “Hey I wanna see what else is there.”

“I know, just one second.” Wookie looked at the last few things in the bag. ‘If this doesn’t work...’ he muttered, looking at one of the items as he moved the stuff that was on the bed. ‘Then at least I have that.’ And he looked to the other.

The bag was moved over to the desk and Wookie pulled out of the last item and covered it with his hands.

“Okay, you ready? This is the best thing I got-at least to me.” Wookie said almost shyly.

“Show me show me!” Henry’s excited just couldn’t be contained.

“Jja-jjang.” Said a cautious Wookie as he moved away his hands to reveal a purple tube of lube that he’d pasted Bieber’s face onto.

To say that Henry’s face went red would be an understatement. It was more like his entire BEING flushed in embarrassment. He could tell that it was lube… However the fact that it was lube, causing him to think what he was thinking, with Bieber’s face staring at him just really creeped him out.

“D-… do they really make Justin Bi… Bieber L… THAT?” Yeah Henry couldn’t even say it and resorted to pointing instead.

“Uhm….” Should I tell the truth?, “N-no…” Wookie said, donning a pout as he crawled onto the bed and closer to the red as a tomato Henry. “I cut the face out of a magazine and pasted it on here-see?” And he pulled it off so prove it to him. A sigh of relief was exhaled by Henry, hardly able to stare at the bottle-or Wookie.

“W-w…. Why did you buy that?”

“Why do you think?” Wookie replied immediately, leaning in close to that adorably blushing face. “I want to have sex with you Henry.” He said it blatantly so Henry couldn’t confuse the situation.

Blunt, blatant or had he said it vaguely. Henry’s reaction still would have been the same: mouth agape and eyes as wide as possible, not to mention the never ending blush Wookie seemed to cause him.

“But-” Henry started only to be cut off.

“I know… First time with a guy right?” And Henry just nodded shamefully not wanting to admit that honestly it was his first time ever, “I’ll teach you.” Wookie moved himself fully onto Henry’s lap in a straddling position, setting the lube beside them on the bed. “Just kiss me first.”

Henry swallowed hard-very hard, but then did as he was told. The first kiss was chaste, but he followed up with one that had much more energy to it. It was like any other time Wookie and him had kissed; it left him slightly dazed and without control of his senses.

That reaction was something Wookie always took advantage of, grinding his hips down into Henry’s so he wouldn’t forget the real purpose of this ‘little adventure’.

Feeling that, Henry couldn’t keep the groan from escaping, even as they kissed. His hands, which he didn’t know what to do with before that, were on Wookie’s hips in a second forcing him down against his lap again as he pushed back up into him.

It was Wookie’s turn to moan this time, feeling how eager Henry was already; that meant it was time for the next step.

“Take my clothes off Henli~” Wookie breathed out against Henry’s lips before kissing at his cheeks and taking a small nip out of them. Henry gasped at the nip, but did as he was told by pulling off Wookie’s shirt. That was the easy part. The next, pulling off Wookie’s pants, would be harder for him to do.

Seeing how he was struggling however Wookie decided to help. He crawled off of Henry’s lap and carefully wiggled himself out of the pants he had on, discarding his underwear in the process. Both were kicked off to the side.

While Henry watched this he took his own shirt off and threw it onto the growing pile of clothes, eyes glued onto the hands that pulled down Wookie’s pants, totally entranced with the older man’s small strip tease.

“There… Now to get rid of these…” Wookie took a step over to Henry, before falling to his knees in front of him, because really Wookie couldn’t help himself as he began to pull off Henry’s boxers, the younger protesting only the faintest bit.

Once they were off, Wookie let his slender fingers wrap around that length, smiling up to Henry in such an innocent way that the entire picture before him just caused him to groan deeply, growing even harder. Wookie laughed; he knew the effect he had on people.

“Too much for you Henli~? You’re already oozing…” His thumb pushing through the precum that had been coming out before Wookie leaned down to lick it up with a resounding, ‘Mmmm~’

“Ah-… Wookie-ah.. I. .. I thought.” Henry stuttered out. It’s not like he wanted Wookie to stop but they were supposed to be having sex, right?

Wookie hummed then and nodded, crawling back up onto the bed. “You have to prep me.” He stated very plainly, picking up the lube and handing it over to him. The look that Henry gave Wookie back obviously said, ‘I have to what!?’ causing Wookie to sigh. If Henry wasn’t so cute, he wouldn’t be bothered to go through all of this trouble.

Lying down onto his back, Wookie went spread eagle and arched his hips up… Then just reached for a pillow to put underneath him.

“I’m sure you can figure out where, Henli… Just put lube on your fingers. And push a finger in.” Wookie made it sound so. So. So. Easy! Henry was freaking out about this! His hands were shaking as he poured the lube onto them.

“Henlliii~” Wookie purred, arching up so that Henry could see his perfectly waxed naughty bits. “Don’t keep me waiting…” His head arched back to show off his Adam’s apple then and Henry could only swallow hard, causing his own to bob.

A finger dripping with lube was pushed forward towards Wookie’s puckering anus, pushing against it just a little bit. It was problematic. His head was screaming, “EWGROSSAKSJDFLKAJLKJAAHHH!” but the part of him that was controlling his finger, his penis, was what pushed that finger in completely.

“Unnngh!” Wookie choked on the noise at the sudden full intrusion. “Haa~… Henli~… Careful… More slowly…”

“Ah… sorry…” Henry replied, just staring at his finger and then at Wookie’s junk and then up to Wookie’s face.

“It’s okay... you can move your finger.” Just feeling it inside of him was causing Wookie to twitch; he couldn’t wait for more.

Another Adam’s apple bobbing swallow and Henry was carefully moving that one finger inside of Wookie. Directing the other what to do still Wookie told him to add some more lube as well as his second finger. The idea of this was becoming easier to do-especially when he squirted more lube onto that entrance watching how it flinched from the cool liquid and then stretched to accommodate Henry’s second finger.

Wookie was starting to moan rather badly, especially with the addition of the second finger. His hips pushed down to try and force those fingers deeper. Seeing that response Henry did the same thing Wookie was attempting, drilling his two fingers in as deep as he could get them before curling them and pulling them out in the shape of a hook.

This caused quite the loud, musical moan to leave Wookie’s lips, his back arching up. Even though Henry had no familiarity with this, the inexperienced ministrations were painful yet pleasurable to Wookie.

“D-… did that hurt?” Henry asked. His answer was Wookie pulling him down for a harsh kiss, shoving his tongue down his throat without any warning.

Henry nearly choked on it, his hands moving to Wookie’s thighs as he returned that kiss. Considering the position, it wasn’t long before their erections were rubbing against each other, Henry practically ‘dry’ humping Wookie to get some friction and a form of pleasure. Wookie was rather similar, hips raised up for Henry.

“Henli, Henli.” Wookie pulled away, panting softly. “T-.. take a condom out of my drawer … and fuck me already.”

His eyes went wide when he heard Wookie say that. Part of him was curious as to where Wookie learned that word, but best not to question things.

The condom was pulled out and thankfully Henry wasn’t TOTALLY Clueless as to put it on, though Wookie still helped, if only because he wanted to touch Henry some more, giving him a few hard strokes to make sure he was still nice and hard.

“Now, Henli… put some more lube on… and fuck me. HARD.” Wookie still continued to give him instructions and Henry continued to listen, pouring the lube on himself with a few strokes of his own.

Aim was a problem the first two times he leaned in so Henry sat back and guided himself via his hand into Wookie butthole. There was a bit of resistance at first but then Wookie’s body swallowed up the head and Henry pushed in a bit more with a deep moan one that Wookie joined in.

“Oh Henli~” he cried out softly just from that. He had been dreaming of this moment for so long, since the first time he saw how wonderful Henry could move his hips. “M-…move…” Wookie reached forward for Henry who leaned down and pushed in more.

Feeling more and more of how tight Wookie was around him, Henry had to groan again. He was sure he was going to break the other man but he showed no signs of discomfort so he began to move as he had been commanded.

If just being inside him felt that amazing moving was even better. This didn’t compare to a hand at all. It was like pencil lead to gold, there was no comparison.

“You feel so good…” Henry gasped out between his nicely rhythmic thrust-all that dance practice had definitely paid off, exactly how Wookie had hoped it would.

“You too~” Wookie moaned in response, his legs pressing against Henry as his hands fell to the bed. His back arched, sweat starting to gleam off of his chest. Having already been painfully hard this slow sex was like torture. Beautiful, wonderful torture.

But some things could only last forever, and a first timer to something like this would have absolutely no control over something like that. Henry’s pace quickened with another deep moan, muttering ‘close’ in English as just kind of an after though. Both hands curled into fists with the bed sheets and soon with just that small warning from before Henry had fallen over that peak into mind blowing orgasm.

The noise he made at first was a repressed squeak since he wasn’t expecting that at all, followed by a low guttural moan. Wookie was surprised by the first noise but the second and that absent feeling of heat between them--Stupid condom--completely made up for it.

Since Henry began to slow in his thrusts, both of Wookie’s hands went to his forgotten member and he began to pump it furiously until he was bursting white all over himself and Henry’s stomachs. If Henry hadn’t been so out of it, he would have noticed and cared… Or maybe even helped Wookie jerk off, but his head was swimming and all he could see was stars.

Wookie carefully pushed Henry off of him, pulling his body back so that softening member could pull out. Even though it was difficult to stand he did anyway and cleaned up the mess from Henry’s crotch, throwing away the condom and licking up what was there as well as his own come from Henry’s stomach.

“Nnn--.. Wookie, you-… aish…” He was going to tell him to stop because his entire body was sensitive to the point where it hurt but then Wookie stopped and just cuddled up next to his favorite mochi.

“You were perfect.” Wookie said, leaning up to kiss a cheek before nuzzling in to get a whiff of his after sex scent. The testosterone mixed with the fruity scent of the Justin Bieber Fragrance was so perfect that Wookie was starting to feel a second round coming on.

“So … were you…” Henry couldn’t believe he had just had sex, let alone with a guy-LET ALONE WITH RYEOWOOK! But, well, every part of it had felt so right so why not go with it? His arms wrapped around Wookie who snuggled in close, completely content with cuddling but then he remembered something.

“Oh… there was one more gift.” Wookie pulled out of those arms and got up from the bed. He went back to the bag from before and pulled one last thing out; two silver chains. One was put around his own neck before Wookie reached out to put the other around Henry’s.

Once it was there lying against his chest, he realized what it was… half of a heart and on it, it said ‘Ju… Bi.’

“What is this?” Henry asked, lifting it up to look before turning to see that Wookie had the other half.

Justin Bieber Friendship necklaces… but I figured…” Wookie began to blush deeply then, kneeling on the bed next to Henry. “They could be… c-.. Commitment necklaces.”

‘Fuck he’s so cute’ Henry thought while shaking his head. “No.” He said aloud absolutely crushing Wookie’s soul before continuing, “These can’t be-I don’t want Justin Bieber in every aspect of my life. Especially when it comes to my b-boyfriend.” Henry couldn’t help the crack in his voice as he said ‘boyfriend’. Damn Ryeowook being so adorable.

Hearing that response though, Wookie brightened up immediately and tackled his new boyfriend into the bed, kissing him harshly. When he tried to pull away to smile at him, their necklaces tangled, resting together as a perfect heart. Because the world was JUST that cheesy.

A/N:Teehee. The ending is far too cute and cheesy to really be as cracky as I wanted, but oh well. It’s still good. I like it anyway. Laughed the whole way through proof reading. Screw all y’all who don’t like it!

genre: fluff, genre: crack, genre: smut, pairing: henwook, fic: henbiebz, fanfic

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