My cousin, who was diagnosed with cancer of the bladder died last night at around 10pm Central Time. Although I wasn't as close to her as most of my family, I was close to second cousins. We are all the smae age (the cousins) and we could talk to each other about everything. My deepest sympathie go out to my cousin and her family. Goodbye
These names are the names of those people who were killed on 9-11-2001 (five years ago today). Please remember those who were kill and may they never be forgotten.
-------------------------------------------------------------------- ( The List )
Pick one word from each pair that you think describes -me- the best and leave it in the comments. Then copy this and post it in your own journal to see how your friends view you
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Well, I got home from the Big Bang fireworks and an 11hr. day at work. Working private parties at Summerfest sucks...Luckily, I am working by the M&I Classisic Rock Stage...good tunes....yeah
Well, I am almost done organizing for NFLs. I hope Mike finishes that Neg case tomorrow. But Whatever. Haven't heard from many people for a while. Keep in touch. Give me a call, you have my number.