To be Loved - Vanilla - Pocky

Sep 25, 2009 00:03

Author: Erethas
Story: Falkens
Title: To be Loved
Words: 95-100
Rating: G
Flavour: Vanilla - 8. my mentor/idol/hero
Extra: Pocky
Summary: A young hatchling senses that he is slightly out of the norm and wants to be loved equally without difference by his mother.
Notes: This takes a very short time after he hatches, the time frame being a few days or a week or so give or take, your pick. I highly suggest reading Welcome - Carob 27 before. I haven't had much of a chance to work more on the story; this pocky will do for now.
All constructed criticism is appreciated.

He wondered what was different about him, and he was confused. He wanted to be loved fully and accepted equally by his mother, and to know that everything was right, and he could almost believe that it was, it almost seemed so, but for that single seemingly insignificant detail, the pause.
In all his egghood, filtering the sounds and vibrations that he later understood just before the hatching, and hearing her voice he knew instinctively as all children do, that she brought him into the world, and would therefore love him fully.

[extra] pocky, [challenge] vanilla

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