Oct 01, 2008 08:34
the fellas over there at rooster teeth once again prove amazing with the new season of rvb. i didn't think it could get any better and had thought the series was over but thank the goddess that it's not. laughs galore. blood gulch how i've missed you.
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Comments 5
perhaps this may work. red vs blue in an actual capture the flag game. it has been turned into a cgi game called halo. you can go around and shoot your friends.
during the cgi there were bits of video between characters. so these guys used that basis as the spring board for creating rvb the computer series. similar to online comics this was updated weekly. usually in 12min episodes where they created scenes and dialog to a video soap.
blood gulch in the location name within the game. i speak so highly of it from my love of the characters. i cannot justify why because it simply is.
you once could see all eps on their site but now you can't. however, their new series called reconstruction can be seen from chapter one. there is enough substance and back referencing to hop in now and i would recommend it.
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