I have no idea what to say. My life is incredibly hectic. I study. I eat. I (sometimes) sleep. I proctor. I have nothing exciting to say about my life. I try to make my "To Do" lists look fun so that I'll want "To Do" them. I "To Do" not.
...rocks do not have souls. Aristotle didn't say that rocks have souls. And don't say that I said that Aristotle said rocks have souls because I didn't. You did and I proved you wrong.
HA! Take that, midterm! Yeah, that's right! I showed YOU who's boss!
Ok so now that that midterm is over and all of my craaaaazy readings are over with (for this week) I feel as though a giant weight have been lifted off of my shoulders. And I won't lie, for some reason I feel really dizzy...maybe I should not be at a computer...