Feb 16, 2005 21:41
If you woke up and I was in bed with you, what would be your first thought?
Post reply, then post this in your LJ and find out what my answer would be.
Dec 11, 2004 21:54
Today was an exceptional day and i got alot of sleep and relaxation for the first time in quite a while. Adrien came over, we played video games the whole time that he was here, but i didnt get to go to the tree getting with my dearest friend :(, and i really wanted to...But I shall go tomorrow!!! I love you my Dearest Friend, and forever!
Sep 05, 2004 00:28
Why arent there any results for the game Canada vs. Russia? who won??? where to find results?
Sep 05, 2004 00:16
A minute of silence for 156 dead children killed by terrorists on Sept. 3rd, 2004 in Beslan, Russia
Jul 27, 2004 01:20
too lazy, maybe tomorrow the survey....sleeeeeep
Jul 25, 2004 00:05
свободный агент типа по футболу, и ограниченно свободный агент по хоккею! :)))
Jun 13, 2004 23:52
Hey everyone, havent written in a long time or been online, so i think ill take that survey...have never taken surveys to post online...hehe weird....werd..
but not today, its too late i gotta go to sleep
by the way, is anyone soccer here or something?
Apr 29, 2004 21:37
После игры Ковалев и Хабибулин обнялись, как ни как а бронзу вместе брали. А комментатор сказал-"В России они все друзья!"
Канадцы идут играть в гольф
Apr 28, 2004 23:17
у моего журнала прибавилось читателей, поэтому не стоит все сбагривать в архив "личное" и "для друзей" теперь записи будут несколько другие ...личные архивы из прошлого позже будут уничтожены так и не просмотренные ни кем. ладно,добро пожаловать новые посетители!