The Random Question Meme!
An array of completely random questions about my friends!
stagedghost be getting more sleep?I would imagine so since her life lately has been crazy.. not to mention she's majoring in pharmacy.What would the minions of
yenbad's army look like?ummmm ugly soccer players with swords..?Will
inserted_disk ever amount to anything?heck no... she's become a procrastinator like me :)Is
ron_burgandy hiding under your bed right now?ummmm if he's the size of a shoe box..... too much junk under there.Why would
sugarhigh_mds go to heaven but
shadows_myst go to hell?ummmm i don't know.. shadows_myst is def. going to heaven.. don't know what you talkin bout...Whom does
emmylaloca get along best with?ummm sarah?When was the last time you talked to
wedanceforever?uhhh prom i thinkHow will
dababytic06 die?what is it with this question?? i don't know.What is the strangest thing
m1dwesterners has ever said to you?"Are your boobs getting bigger?"Whom is
a_paopufruit attracted to?no clue... not corey tho :P :)
This is by
heptadecagram. You can find your own completely random questions
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