it's been what, 2 days, and i already miss LJ? i'll have a blog or a new one soon. eventually. and i'll let all ya'll know. just cant stay away from the internetz!
I'm going to keep this journal for communities and such only. So, I'm de-friending all ya'll. Sorry dudes. If you want, you can always peep my flickr over here. It was good while it lasted!
Oh man, this distro biz is freaking me out right now. I have SO MUCH to do in the next two weeks. I currently have 53 zines in stock and I've only written descriptions for 7 of them and haven't even begun to take pictures yet. I'm almost $500 in the hole. Luckily a lot of the zinesters & artists I've worked with have been super awesome to give me
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Okay ya'll, I'm starting a distro. I've been posting this around, I hope those of you who have seen it a billion times don't want to kill me by now, but I gotta spread the word if I want this to be successful
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