Better late than never!
There are a lot of things missing from this report: lots of shout outs, pictures of friends in costume, steamtanks, etc. Fanime is such a hard con report to write because so much happens and it's hard to capture it all. If I ran into you at any point throughout the con, give yourself a tiny hug from me;
laragoth and
noin_hime to name a
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Comments 11
Also, amazing and lovely Sakura♥
Thanks for my cream soda!!! it was so good ;_____; (dammit and now I want some)
As always, you looked all sorts of amazing every time I saw you ^^
Till next time <3
It was awesome to stop and talk, albeit briefly. XD
And..this is gonna sound so weird, so I apologize: Don't feel bad about crying. Seriously. I have blinked at a lot of eye-water in the past, and actually WAS wibbling onstage for WCS...both for "OMG THIS THING IS DONE" exhaustion/stress/stagefright* and because the scene we did is, in my head, one of the most depressing of the series for me, so I get all silly-emo about it.
If you were ever around Grace Cathedral at all in your SF travels, that was reaaaaly close to my old shoebox apartment. I miss it sometimes. Had I thought about it, I would have told you to hit both Britex and Discount Fabrics, as they were both there. Faaaabriiiic forrreeeverrr....
*yep, I have stagefright. Not so bad that it keeps me off stage, but I get utterly TWITCHY before events.
I'm super surprised that there was any backstage drama with your skit! Even at rehearsal, it was one of the smoother and more creative skits I've seen in a long time. (And that was before I realized the portals lit up! I am a total sucker for shiny glowy things.) (Also for Avatar. I am totally with you on that skit being wonderful. Also the Azula/Zuko armor was GORGEOUS.)
I hope you'll come back to Fanime again! It's my favorite con. Maybe I would actually see you for more than 5 seconds next time!
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