Jun 19, 2010 03:39
i should not ever watch the program "how its made" ever and especially not late at night
because it is positively fascinating to me. like, i can hardly turn away sort of thing. its time consuming.
also, who needs facebook when you have deviant art?
cool people, less retartedness, AND lotsa pretties.
May 17, 2010 15:35
im back!
i would like to mention that amidst all of the recent BS, i never really stopped smiling. it was a major annoyance, but i just wasnt all that unhappy.
im cool like that.
May 07, 2010 12:48
i want a CD of the band la bouche
they rock awsome
Apr 28, 2010 13:02
i have no idea how to make an effective news opening....
im gonna go photoshop some crap for my website project.
>_< this video class is so bad.
Apr 23, 2010 13:41
ive been trying for an hour today and like 30 minutes the other day to get these files to save properly onto this stupid disk so i can start working on my next video assignment, but IT WONT LET ME. so you know what?
forget it.
so what if i get no work done?
i dont care.