Title: The Mission Rating: PG-13 Pairing: Ryo/Tegoshi Summary: Tegoshi wants Ryo's attention. Pointless fluff inspired by the last LIVE concert reports/pics/fancams.
yay~ i've been wondering if someone will actually write a fic inspired by the fancam. i agree with Ryo, seeing Tegoshi in a maid costume is starting to get disturbing (to me at least) XD
If I was a Ryo, I would just dragged Tego to some closet and rape him until he can't walk properly anymore. That's the punishment for cosplaying, especially wearing such a short dress
I've just re-read it...and... Ryo later explained to Tegoshi that the staff had been working on Johnny's Entertainment for half their lives and that they were used to things like that. >>> lol =)) this is so...lol =)) i want to be a je staff too =))
Comments 16
i agree with Ryo, seeing Tegoshi in a maid costume is starting to get disturbing (to me at least) XD
Nice one XD Ryotego always make my day XD
Ryo later explained to Tegoshi that the staff had been working on Johnny's Entertainment for half their lives and that they were used to things like that. >>> lol =)) this is so...lol =)) i want to be a je staff too =))
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thank u^^
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