Title: Catch Me Genre: Fluff Pairing: RyoDa Rating: PG 15 Summary: It's their day off, no work, no plans, no responibilties, no obligations, nothing to keep them doing whatever they want...
Ryunuka-senpai wins again. XD (somehow, I had the feeling you were going to release a fic and BAM here it is! :DD) Thanks for sharing this fic! though I have to say...
“You washed your hair last night, if you wash it too often it gets too dry,” Erm, it doesn't really apply to everyone, because some people who wash excessively would get oily hair or something. but anyways, ♥! :D
Wow, you're psychic! O.O See if you can tell when I'll post my next oneshot :P Yeah, about the hair thing, tatsuya was just saying that as an excuse to do something in return for Ryo washing his hair and worrying about him. Glad you liked it, thankies~! ^_^
Comments 54
i really really really love it..! ^^
Ryo-sama is being so sweet yet still pervert XD
and Ueda-sama is sooooo cute !!
hello, i'm a newbie here ^^
asami desu..! hajimemashite ne *bow*
Thanks for reading and commenting~!
Thank you so much for sharing this ^^
thanks for reading and commenting~!
Oh well second is awesome too! :DD
Ryunuka-senpai wins again. XD (somehow, I had the feeling you were going to release a fic and BAM here it is! :DD) Thanks for sharing this fic! though I have to say...
“You washed your hair last night, if you wash it too often it gets too dry,”
Erm, it doesn't really apply to everyone, because some people who wash excessively would get oily hair or something. but anyways, ♥! :D
See if you can tell when I'll post my next oneshot :P
Yeah, about the hair thing, tatsuya was just saying that as an excuse to do something in return for Ryo washing his hair and worrying about him.
Glad you liked it, thankies~! ^_^
thanks for reading and commenting~!
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