May 18, 2005 14:49
squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :3
last night was interesting.
that is all.
Apr 14, 2005 15:06
Man, is it ever nice outside. I feel so ridiculously blissful today. :D
So, I picked up a few things at teh pharmacy.
Hair conditioner with ginger extracts
Ginger body spray
Burt's Bees Orange facial cleanser
Nail Polish
Yay! :D
Apr 11, 2005 01:43
Wow, it has been quite a long while since I had last posted here. All I can manage to say right now that yesterday was incredibly good. So good it was stupid. But in a good way. :D
Feb 09, 2005 04:00
I haven't updated in like forever. Well, let's see...
Werk was good.
I watched House of Flying Daggers earlier... wow. It is a beautiful movie. Really sad, but beautiful. The cinematography is absolutely stunning.
Made me think about a few things.
Jan 11, 2005 11:57
"There was a little girl
Who had a little curl,
Right in the middle of her forehead.
And when she was good,
She was very very good,
And when she was bad,
She was horrid."
Jan 03, 2005 13:09
Uh, I feel CRAPTASTIC. I have no voice, and everything's all..ghey. I went all the fucking way out to Don Mills this morning, to find out that the office is closed. grr. I had a crazy New Years... I'm glad I was able to spend it with the people that matter to me most. You know who you are. Love you guys. <3456
Dec 09, 2004 00:17
Today was a good day at work... got TWO deals!!!
Hopefully they're confirmed and such. That means $$$ pour moi. I worked in Niagara Falls/Welland area today... just got back. I'm tired as fuck, heh. Tomorrow I'm going out to Courtice/Oshawa to work from 2pm until 8:45pm. I'm going to make lots n lots of moniesss hehehehe. :D