I saw Memoirs of a Geisha last night which was amazing and then unfortunatly also came down with a bit of a cold...*cough cough* and such. Eliza is down tonight though which is awesome-a-licious. and we also get Nicole for a month. But you should all give me soup. Lots and lots of soup. Or money Money and soup!! Ok END
Well my life may just be going as horribly as people once thought. But I'm not going to cry over it. I just think that the Lost Hills Sheriff Station has the worst hopitality. There were a few moments within the last couple days that made eveything look better. Thank you to my friends.
Tonight is the Premier for Patient J at Calabasas High!!! You should go and see me starring as "The stupid stunt man who for some reason always does what Aaron says"
Halloween Party was great though it cinsisted of a lot of name dropping and bragging. You know the Hollywood types. However I think the sexiest ones to show up were Edward Nigma, Spiderman, Harvy Dent, and Jonny Storm. Haha Tonight.... Well let's just say it's a whole other game to be played...