I need to do something with this...I thought I'd turn it into some great journal and its just 2 old entries.....I have a boring life...not much to write about....Hmm....spyed on Bubbles online journal. It was wierd. She never mentioned me at all. Maybe I'm only important when there is no one else to talk to....
I didn't think it would work.....just my luck, when I work hard typing out a great (IMP) first entry, it dosen't work, and then when I write out a grumpy rant, it works! Oh well, there is more to life than luck. Or looks. Or money. Or technical abilities. Good thing, too.
Gah! I got the e-mail thingy that said I now had an account, click to blah blah blah, and I clicked the one that said "Create your first journal entry" and wrote out a wonderful introductary entry, and IT DIDN'T WORK!!! Am now mad at all technical things.