Michale Graves was amazing. All you who flipped the lame switch and didn't go missed out. They played a bunch of Misfits and Graves songs plus a bunch off the new cd. In total, they played for about an hour and 45 minutes. Total sweetness.
In other, very related news: my head hurts. And we got an amazing TV.
There is a massive fire going on right now about 5 blocks from my house. I drove by it after I saw the ridiculous amount of smoke, and the flames are HUGE. I wish I had a camcorder. There were cops blocking traffic, so i couldn't get a very good view of the whole warehouse, but what I did see was crazy.
There is no power in my half of my house and I think I might go insane. The only light sources currently in this room are the computer monitor and a flashlight. The computer works because it is plugged into an outlet in a different room.