Mar 06, 2009 12:45
I keep dreaming that you apologize and things go back to normal, or better.
But, I know you won't ever apologize and it will never be the same.
You're too weak to admit your faults.
Jan 06, 2009 00:02
To be angry with someone you have to care
I'm not so angry anymore, I just don't care
Oct 17, 2008 08:54
Wanting something you can't have, and never could, is so much easier.
There's no let down when you don't get it, cuz you never really thought you would.
But, I don't want to want you again.
Jul 19, 2008 15:08
i don't want anyone now, well i do, but none of who i wanted before. this is pretty nice, no pressure.
May 27, 2008 00:15
oh, and i'm ten times happier than i was in february. i won't ever let myself get blinded again.
Feb 13, 2008 23:39
happy first-valentines-day-with-an-actual-valentine!!!!
i'm so happy :) i love my boyfriend.
Dec 03, 2007 07:12
I hope you think of me when you forget your seat belt...............and again when when your head goes through the windshield
Oct 28, 2007 21:22
fuuuuckk youuu~!!!!!!~!@##$!@!~!!!
Sep 07, 2007 05:55
I love how when I post an LJ, people respond to it over myspace.
Aug 12, 2007 11:17
I'm sitting here at the computer in my bikini...err, I hope I'm going to Crooked Lake today, lol.