I thnk my pets alittle mad at me after i sat in her medicne draw. I wanted to go out and sit in the plants its not my fult her drawsare broken and she just has them piled up. Butit waswrth sitting in suh an unconftabl edraw to see her hunting or hersisters wire har brush and nailbrushes because her hands itch. oh hell i hope she dosn't see this.
My pets are keeping me out of the dineing room and i cna hear some nice yummy sounding animals in thre the thkought of not being able to get to them is driveing me mad. My damn pet she can be so nice sometimes and such a stupid human.
I don't se why espehsaly when its raining that my pets can't stay in the liveing room to open the doors for me. I like walking in and out o the house and ofcorse i have to find the dor into the sunny weather i know is there when its sunny its thre. well now thay wern't thre or ten minuts becasue as thay said they were "busy" I was a soakeig wet
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I'm not quit4 shure why I was given a Live journal by one of my pets but atelst its a nice place to put all the photos of me she teaeds and evryone wants to see me.
Well If my pet kazumitsu has made me this so I might as well use it.