Previously, on My Name is Jarl, our "hero" found gainful employment and realized his boss smokes a drink. But he still has his magic journal, and his
map. Also, sorry about posting late--it's still Wednesday somewhere, right?--but for scheduling reasons, Jarl will be moving his antics to Thursdays, to better coincide with the mun's day off.))
Well, magic journal, it's been a busy few days. I think my head
kind of hurts.
I tried selling my loot to the pawnbroker, but I thought maybe she would give me a better price if I sweet-talked her first. I can't even give her anything now. But the trader next to the Mages' Guild was friendly, and bought lots of my things. But not the booze--I'm keeping that.
Like you said, I went and got geared up. First, I learned a spell for healing myself, and a spell for shielding myself, and a spell for conjuring a magic axe out of thin air, in case the one I have ever breaks! I'm not very good at them yet. I also got some lessons in healing magic and changing-stuff magic, which will help with the healing and the shielding, and also with the lock-opening spell. That tall elf in the magic basement said it was a fluke that I got it to work at all before. Well, fluke her.
I also learned a little bit more about security in the South Wall club, so next time maybe I won't need a spell to open things for me. I was going to buy some potions, but it turns out the Fighers' Guild and Mages' Guild have chests full of potions that we can just have for free. I'm so glad I joined!
Hoo, boy. Eydis Fire-Eye wants me to go deal with some egg poachers in that egg mine I passed on my way into town. Journal, I really, really don't think eggs come from the ground, and I can't think of anything good that would happen in a place that claims they do. I'm a little leery about the job, so I go see what kind of work Habasi has for me, and the answer's no better: Habasi wants the key to one of the mansions here in town. Given the choices before me, I think I'll go chase perverts.
Update: there are eggs underground, and you can mine for them. This changes everything! I had no idea you could dig for eggs! Can you dig for booze, too? Why did no one tell me you could dig for booze?! Magic journal, we must begin plans for a booze mine immediately, as soon as we find a place to dig it.
The egg poachers weren't anything special, after all. And they were both dressed. It turns out they were just a couple former egg miners (not slang, it turns out) who had taken to hiding in the mine and stealing the eggs. None of the miners had been able to find them, despite being a leisurely stroll away along the mine's loop. The poachers had miner's picks and no armor, which is a bad way to greet a Nord with an axe if you want to live, and also not so great if you want him to be happy and rich after he kills you. So, a mixed bag.
Ugh. This is where Kwama eggs come from. I don't think I want any.
While I'm out by the mine, decide to pick up those mushrooms Ajira asked for, which involves a little hike over the hill to the swamp by the coast. They aren't hard to find: the big glowy mushrooms, the tall glowy mushrooms, and the two kinds of grow-like-a-shelf mushrooms on the trees. All are very close, and it isn't long before I'm hiking back over the hill and up the river again.
Ajira is happy for the mushrooms, and gives me some health potions. Hey, more potions I didn't have to pay for! This is a good day! She also has more work for me--easy work.
Up I go, giving the bosmer girl a friendly smile as we pass. She's on her way down, and I'm on my way up. To her desk.
And with nimble fingers and nobody watching, the switch is made.
Onward, to payment!
Or... not. Ajira didn't really pay me for that job, she just thanked me. And asked me to go picking flowers. Before I go off on that, I think I'll stop by the Fighters' Guild and get paid. I do so like getting paid for things. Eydis gives me a bonus, some Restore Fatigue potions. It's hard not to like a Nordic woman in armor who gives me things.
She also has work for me, although it sounds like it could use a little more preparation. Four people, now? And what's a Telvanni? Magic journal, do you know?
Downstairs from Eydis, I find Wayn, the guildhall's armorer. My axe is getting a little dull, so I toss him a coin to sharpen it up while I browse his wares. He's got some good wares. I think I'm going to wear his wares, and trade in some of my old gear for shiny new steel!
Yes! I'm feeling good and sturdy now, magic journal, and ready to take on all--or at least several--comers.
But it occurs to me that I might be even better prepared with a few more potions, and it can't be hard to find a few flowers, right?
Right. Three of the four I need are just a short walk by the river, near the egg mine. If she'd told me sooner, I could have picked them up on my first trip. The yellow ones are gold kanet, the tall red ones are willow, and the little spiky pink ones are heather. A trip across the river at the bridge gets me the stoneflower petals, too. To reiterate: everything Ajira needed was two minutes' walk south of town. This kitty's starting to bug me.
Next, she sends me for a ceramic bowl from the trader next door. Next door, journal! She knows where they are, she just can't be bothered to climb two flights of stairs and go outside. If she wasn't giving me free things, I swear, her tail would be first on my chopping block.
I could wear it as a belt, as a warning to my other employers.
And when I get back?
Under the cabinet in the room next to you, Ajira. I thought cats liked poking around under furniture.
Upstairs, in view of Galbedir herself. Really?
How's the desk, twig-witch? Ha!
Ajira's happy to get the reports back (which, I took a peek, are all about how hard she worked in the "dangerous places" where she collected samples), and gives me some high-quality magic shield potions! Fire Shield, Frost Shield, Lightning Shield, and two Spell Absorption--all "exclusive," which either means really good, or I'll see funny colors if I drink them. Hmm.
Ajira's run out of jobs for me, and Ranis won't promote me up to the point where she'll have jobs for me until I've gotten better at magic.
So, what should we do now, magic journal?