Title: Confessions from a Broken Heart
Chapter: alternate ending
Author: sahbeL
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: I do not own these boys. <3
Characters/Pairings: JaeHo/YooSu
Summary: “JaeJoong-Hyung! IF you had to choose between your own life and the success of Dong Bang Shin Ki, which would it be?”
Author's Notes: Here it is. :)
NOTE: The music cue
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Comments 101
JJ has suffered a lot!!!
Please dont drag him around to much please!!!!
I think maybe Yunho needs to see someone else take interest in JJ (like a doctor or something) so that its not always JJ jealous... Sorry but I just feel so sad for him...
thank you so much for all your love and reviews. see you in the sequel! hopefully it doesn't disappoint :)
late reply, i know. LOL. but better late than never, riight? ahah
the sequel will continue on from this ending. so i've got a chance to make it all better.. =)
thank you for reading and reviewing!
ps. welcome new reader!! ^^v
stupid yunho!!! how could he fall for Rini so easily? can't he just wait until Jae is awake...
waiting for the sequel~~ i believe i will curse him more because he's so blind and stupid.*damn him!!!*
thank you for all the support and love!! please comment my latest entry and gimme advice. =D
and yes, late reply, i know. hahaha.. my latest post will outline wtheck else i've been doing. LOL.
gamsahamnida! <333
gaaaaarr... i wannna shoot rini buut...
she didnt do anything bad T__T
BUT STILL.. she came in between yunjae TT__TT omoo.. off to the sequel (:
i hope the sequel ends with a happy end *_*
oh and i'm glad that it was only 1 year...for a second i thought it was more.. ^^
I want to read the sequel. can i be your friend?? *Puppy eyes* (O^O)
lol. don't worry, I don't think anyone likes the alternate ending. But then if there wasn't an alternate ending like this one, then there wouldn't be a sequel, ne? =D Don't worry, I shall try to fix everything by the end of the sequel hopefully xD Thank you so much for commenting before friending. Sorry it took me awhile to friend back. I was looking for your comment in the ficlist post & didn't realise u commented in this post instead. lol.
Anyway, I'm friending you back now! Welcome to y journal & enjoy! ^__^
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