Howdy. I'm sailoreagle, and this is my livejournal, though I don't use it at all - I just use it to comment on other people's posts, and to read stuff. And to post in communities sometimes. And to remind myself of journals I really should link from my weblog or bookmark
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As promised, here's the link to the profile of that last friend of mine who signed up. ;)
Worldbuilding is almost done... ironed out a few wrinkles, but got an idea that caused a bunch more -_- I just hope it's all straightened out by November 1.
Friends/acquaintances who signed up for the NaNoWriMo because I told them to, or they heard about it from me: Continuity, Tonamel and actsmiley. Yes, only three of them, all three people I know from the TTLG forums. Still an accomplishment, considering that last year there was nobody I knew doing this
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w00t for me, I finally managed to decide on a style for this journal. Not that it was a hard choice, after seeing the others... almost all the default (free) styles look shitty, except for this one. How I long for Blogger's customization... but Livejournal's better than Blogger in some aspects.
So I finally got a livejournal, thanks to a very nice person from the NaNoWriMo forums. I dunno what I'll use this for, honestly... probably for my NaNovel, and after that, for random comments I can't or don't want to put on my blog and such.