Well, this came out a couple of days ago, but it's been so long since the last track that I forgot to keep checking the webcomic site regularly. But it has finally arrived, and it's more than 5 pages! Rejoice! Be on the lookout for more long-last characters.
Wake me up before you go go.... )
Comments 19
XD thanks for the chapter, and the summery..it had been ages since Maki-san wrote for this and honestly i'd forgotten i was following it.
>.> Though her art is digressing isn't it...it's getting less detailed and less shaded...hm...the megamixes have a lot of detail though ^^U
Eiri singing! Now this would be supremely interesting.
Isn't it like that, that the drawings will be edited? I mean every time I read manga chapters and after that I buy the actual manga, it always looks a lot better:3
I can't stand it. it's too cute *fangirls* It's nice how Riku talks about his papa^^
Oh GOD, like, MOSHIKASHITE they made an ex anime and Yuki would sing....
Nonono, no way Chemistry will get into my head today through all off the fangirlism and tommorow I've got a testXD
Thank you muchly sailorspazz for your awesome work!
AND a whole 16 pages! Wow! Yay yay yay!
Yes, I too noticed the lack of tidiness of Maki-sama's sketches, although it was similar with her Ex vol 1 tracks, but they've certainly been neatened up. Fingers crossed the same occurs with the next volume!
And that Shuichi gets his height back...He's only 8 inches shorter than Eiri ya know lol.
I came to see Shuichi's dwindling height towards the end of vol 1 as, he started shrinking because he was feeling small with what was happening around him; the Ryuichi stuff, the Yuki stuff, the Riku stuff etc...
Well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it! HAHA
Luv to you all!
*sighs* Oh well. Everybody hits a slump. No problem. I was going through an academic slump myself after winter break. But I feel myself returning to normal any day now.
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