Damn I haven't posted on here in a long time. Does anyone have a decent picture of me. I feel like I look either fat or homeless or fat and homeless in all the one's I have of me. :( Something sexy would be nice.
If your a Scientologist don't read this very informative and interesting article on the world's most successful cult. http://www.drasticmedia.com/Scientology.htmlRead more... )
Damn I almost forgot I had a live journal page. This semester has been nutso-busy, Teaching kids to wear condoms and not eat meat. On a brighter note: Choco Taco's are back. Sooo delicious. Hope everyone is doing well.
I'm on vacation this week with the in-laws in NC. Should be interesting. Still sort of anti-lucid from having my wisdom teeth removed on Tuesday. I apparently told the world to go fuck itself. Anyhoo, cheery-oh and I'll be back with a nice sexy tan soon.
The smell of your burning flesh becomes kind of pleasant. Thanks to all those who know the true and utter depths of my insanity but still talk to me anyway.
Question: Is humanitarianism actually born out of self-hatred and an inability to truly love the other?
... James your right i need a new picture. Any ideas?
For those of you that care i've jumped back in to the AIM game. My screen name is BuddahPirate -- Isn't that the most clever thing ever! Yah i thought so to.
I quit smoking and took up Tae Kown Do. Haven't felt this good in a long time.