I've gotten flak for this from a lot of people. Rightly so, I suppose, since I've been looking unsuccesfully for a job for the past 6 months. A few people have mentioned it seems like a lack of dedication on my part. So partly for myself (since I think I need to see this reasoning in writing to feel better about the choice) and partly for those who
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I've decided that probably it is bridesmatron, or something like that. But anyway here is the dress. Tomorrow's payday, so I'll be putting in the order then. It's very beautiful, and with the corset I manage not to look too bad, either.
So, I got my ticket for Transformus. One of Beyond's friends bought an extra ticket and was willing to sell it to us after payday. :D So I'm really excited about that. I'm starting to think of what things to bring
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Bloomsbury is doing an online thing to find people's favorite literary villan. (again, I got this from Neil Gaiman's blog, so in the somewhat likely event you read that too, sorry) The list of villains is really good and I haven't been able to decide yet. Everyone from the big bad wolf, to Lex Luthor to Voldemort. I thought it was fun, and if you'
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Okay so first off, everyone should come see me fire dancing at the Arboretum tomorrow night. The festival starts at 6:30 and is free and solstice inspired. Our thing starts prolly in the 9-9:15 range, can't be exact since there's another group before us. But it will be awesome and you should be there
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Tonight we finished making our poi and got to work with them for the first time as a group. I was telling Beyond that I see now how it build up upper body strength. That was a good bit of workout. I'm still hopelessly inept at the weave, which is a pretty fundamental move, but I learned about half a dozen simpler ones, and some of those are
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