I might be the only nerd I know who thought this was neat, but I'm in an internet mood and as I just mentioned, bored, so I'm passing on anyway.
Neil Gaiman and the Great Wall. Elsewhere in the blog there are adorable photos of him with panda bears.
Sep 01, 2007 19:03
Today Sue started having what her mom called "practice contractions
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Aug 29, 2007 17:10
I got a haircut! Sue and I were both trying to get long enough hair to donate to locks of love, but my hair had started growing much more slowly, and I was getting really sick of dealing with it. Also, it's just way to hot to have long hair. Sue gave up, too. She said she didn't want to have long hair when the baby was born because then it would
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Jun 19, 2007 15:25
The other week at girl's night we watched the first two episodes of Captain Planet. At the end of the first episode the Soviet chick definitely calls the North American guy "My sweet imperialist dog." I totally missed that part as a kid. I was torn between being speachless and highly amused. The whole experience was not really what I remembered,
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Mar 31, 2007 23:18
So I'm having this problem where part of my right hand has been numb for the past 24 hours. It's really annoying, and let me tell you, it's making typing quite fun. Benji suggested it might be carpal tunnel, but I read up on that and it turns out the the nerve that gets squished in carpal tunnel affects the thumb and first two fingers on your hand
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Dec 25, 2006 11:55
So I finally got around to watcing Cannibal the musical the other day
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