Title: Bully [Part 60/?] Author: Aly Pairing: Billie/Mike, implied!Billie/Tré, implied!Billie/Jason White Rating: NC-17 Author's Note: Looks like we're jumping back into Mike's point of view for a while. Previous Chapters: [Chapters 1-59].
This whole album is brilliant, but there are definite favorites for me. Holiday because without that song, I probably never would have given Green Day a second chance. Whatsername because it has an uncanny ability to make me cry. Give Me Novocaine because the combination of
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Thirty Day Green Day Meme. Days Seven, Eight, and Nine: My favorite song from Nimrod and Warning, and Favorite scene from Riding in Vans with BoysHm. Well. About that. These two have always been my favorite Green Day albums, and I doubt I'd be able to narrow specific songs down. Once again, my indecisiveness prevails
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Title: The Shed [Part 59/?] Author: Aly Pairing: Billie/Mike, implied!Billie/Tré, implied!Billie/Jason White Rating: NC-17 Author's Note: Looks like we're jumping back into Mike's point of view for a while. Previous Chapters: [Chapters 1-58].
The whole fucking album. I think it might be my current favorite <3
Tonight was supposed to be my night off. I was surprised considering how it would have been my first Friday off in months, but of course I got fucked over. I worked six hours on my night off. This needs to stop
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