Title: Rule 63 Relationships Summary: Bakahiro's reactions Pairings: Onesided Takahiro worship Rating: PG all the way to R/SMUT/ALLTHEPRON, Current: PG15 for all the swearing
Title: Rule 63 Relationships Summary: Atsushi and Hiro talks Pairings: Implied Takahiro unholy infatuation with Atsushi...so Atsushi/Takahiro? Rating: PG all the way to R/SMUT/ALLTHEPRON, Current: PG
Title: Rule 63 Relationships Summary: Kenchi's and Tetsuya's reactions Pairings: Kenchi/Tetsuya Rating: PG all the way to R/SMUT/ALLTHEPRON, Current: PG13
Title: Rule 63 Relationships Summary: Naoto and Naoki's reactions Pairings: Naoto/Naoki, Implied Kenchi/Tetsuya Rating: PG all the way to R/SMUT/ALLTHEPRON, Current: PG13
Title: Rule 63 Relationships Summary: Intro/setting: What happens when an all male group becomes a mixed one? Pairings: None for this chapter Rating: PG all the way to R/SMUT/ALLTHEPRON, Current: PG
Title: Tribal Soul Summary: I am going to special hell, for writing such things. Song fic kinda, inspired by the two leader's favourite songs. Pairings: Naoto/Naoki, appearance of Hiro Rating: M (for mentions of sex)
Title: Genderbend Summary: Don't. Let. Me. Write. Fic. At. 1AM in the morning. (after looking at blue planet pictures of Naoto and his bitches. XD) Pairings: Light Naoto/Naoki, Omi/Ryuji if you squint Rating: PG13
Title: Mile High Club Summary: Well, they had a plane there to be used right? Happens during the Summer Madness PV. Madness indeed. Pairings: Naoki/Naoto Rating: M. DEFINITELY M. PRON. [Not very good though, sorry I tried, the Omake is better then the fic itself.]