Title: What happens in the holodeck Author: Sally Daer Fandom: Star Trek AOS Character(s)/Pairing(s): Jim/Bones Rating: PG Disclaimer: We all know that they are not mine. Word Count: 15 k+ Beta: The amazing
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Title: Rumors Author: Sally Daer (sallydaer@hotmail.com) Fandom: Star Trek reboot Characters: James Kirk, Leonard McCoy Rating: NC-17 .) Disclaimer: They're not mine. I'm only playing with them for a while. Artist:
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Title: Rumors Author: Sally Daer (sallydaer@hotmail.com) Fandom: Star Trek reboot Characters: James Kirk, Leonard McCoy Rating: NC-17 .) Disclaimer: They're not mine. I'm only playing with them for a while. Artist:
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Title: Rumors Author: Sally Daer (sallydaer@hotmail.com) Fandom: Star Trek reboot Characters: James Kirk, Leonard McCoy Rating: NC-17 .) Disclaimer: They're not mine. I'm only playing with them for a while. Artist:
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Title: Rumors Author: Sally Daer (sallydaer@hotmail.com) Fandom: Star Trek reboot Characters: James Kirk, Leonard McCoy Rating: NC-17 .) Disclaimer: They're not mine. I'm only playing with them for a while. Artist:
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Title: Rumors Author: Sally Daer (sallydaer@hotmail.com) Fandom: Star Trek reboot Characters: James Kirk, Leonard McCoy Rating: NC-17 .) Disclaimer: They're not mine. I'm only playing with them for a while. Artist:
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Title: Rumors Author: Sally Daer (sallydaer@hotmail.com) Fandom: Star Trek reboot Characters: James Kirk, Leonard McCoy Rating: NC-17 .) Disclaimer: They're not mine. I'm only playing with them for a while. Artist:
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