aww man. looking at all these pictures of Thailand just makes me want to go. im gunna start saving, intensivley and go for like, a month in the summer. i mean it man, i wanna go to phuket and koh san road. lay on a beach in koh samui and koh phangan.
download was awesome. metallica played an ace show again. i think two hours for theheadliners is a bit too long though. i get proper board of the same band really quick
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so, since hinesty seems like a valuable commedity in todays society, ive decided that im going to tell everyone who leaves me a comment, what i really think of them, the truth. no matter how harsh. so leave a comment, i guess.
Do you ever just confussed? and you dont know whats makeing you confussed, all you know is that you are? like, everything seems to conradict itself. and you're kinda just there. trying to figure out what to do or where to go. maybe 1+2 doesnt equal 3 after all.