Title: Be Happy, Baby (Chapter 19) er, maybe 18 and 1/2?
Author: samberrie (itsa me)
Pairing: All John/Paul for this part, implied G/R
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Naughty language, crude humor, angst, depression
Time Frame: Second American Tour, 1965.
Summary: In this chapter, John can’t stand the noise.
Disclaimer!: I own no Beatles. None of their songs
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Comments 16
I'm still worried about the creepy reporter, btw.
Anyway, good chapter! It's okay that it's short. BUT NOW YOU OWE ME ANOTHER ONE. I'm a demanding little bitch, what can I say.
(I kid, I kid.)
Heh heh, you're right on target girl. Creepy reporter will be back to bite them all in the buttocks very soon. Oooohh... creeepy.. *wiggles fingers*
Why thank you, I hate short chapters so I sort of feel like a hypocrite. But the next one's done dear. It will be up sometime this week, I pwomise. It's nice and looong.. hurray!
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Sorry Johnny.. It'll get better eventually! Don't give up on Paul D:
It's such a sick visual, and I love it. I was actually at a baseball game recently, and a realy did baby get hit right in the face! Everyone was yelling and swearing at the Dad for not protecting the baby! It was hilarious.
The baby didn't die though, I promise. :3
It's nice to hear it from both sides. And this angst is tasty. But painful tasty, like, I dunno, an level 5 curry or something. It's good basically.
George and Ringo's noisy bonking again? Yes!
Also, extra points for using the word 'cunt'. Splendid!
I'll always tell you to update soon, because I love you. Go on. Don't make me beg.
I love hearing from both sides in stories, it annoys me when you're just as frustrated as the character whose mind you're in because have no clue how the other characters are feeling... does that make sense? I think it does.
I love the 'c' word. Americans are so scared to use it and people always gasp and have a fit. "Omg, she called her the c word!" *dramatic gasps all around*
It's like the biggest insult over here. :/ I like saying it though, which is probably not a very good habit, but oh well.
Heh, well, I was gonna update sometime this week but I just might make you beg... I like to see girls knees, sneeze.
Cunt is really one of my favourite words. People say it a lot over here. To me. Hmm...
I wish Americans would say it more often though... I've never really heard someone say it in an American accent, but they're brilliant, so it's a disappointment. I have to use Google Translate and play the little pronunciation voice clip thingy. sadface
Don't make me strain my peg leg to beg in the dregs!
...I'm, er, not really a poet.
That's sort of funny how Americans have 'accents' when we think we're the one's who talk normal and the UKers are the one's with the cutesy pronunciations.
Ask someone over here what their favorite accent is and I guarantee they'll say British. Sometime's someone will say Australian, but most like British one's.
D'oh alriight, probably update Wednesday or something. No begging will be necessary.. this time.. *wicked chuckles*
I hate poetry but you, Bill... arghh, yer a poet an' ya know it.
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The meds be makin' you emotional I assume?
I know right, we've all probably been there with unrequited love and whatnot. I feel for John as well..
Poor John!!! Maybe if he'd leave his introspections aside, he could get somewhere with Paul. I have to feel for the guy, though.
Loved the line, "pass out like a good little drunk ought to do."
I wonder where George and Ringo are off to now? And if they'll meet up with Paul? John better give up feeling sorry for himself, get up and join them!!! :)
I was totally putting my thoughts into writing through John about the whole George and Ringo height difference thing.
That's always something on my mind, the technicalities of it all. It'll put my mind at ease to finally start writing&posting my next story since they'll be teens and pretty much the same height! My brain just over-analyzes stuff, sigh.
Glad you decided to leave a comment, regardless of it it's short or not! C: Merci, merci.
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