In that moment, Blue was a little in love with all of them.

Mar 09, 2015 08:52

Hola, hamijas.

Vuelvo a vosotras porque realmente, en nuestro fuero interno, todas esperábamos este momento.

Ay. Pedid, escribid, amad, pero NO OS BESÉIS QUE BESAR MATA.

* no shaming, no hating, marcad los spoilers a partir de BLLB.
* prompt por comentario.
* se permite cualquier pareja, personaje, gen, etc.
* vale todo tipo de prompt, así como todo tipo de fanwork: fanart, fanfic, fanmix...

Lista de retos

adam/ronan ; baptize (anis mojgani)
300 fox way
adam/ronan ; I'm tied to the tracks / but I don't need you to rescue me / I need you to be the train
adam/ronan ; Please be my quiet, please be the calm in my mind, please stop the voices
adam/ronan ; esas primeras semanas de Adam en el grupo en las que él y Ronan se llevan a matar, porque Ronan es un gilipollas y no quiere compartir a Gansey

Sin responder:
[sin respuesta]
gansey/blue ; tres (o cinco) veces en las que gansey y blue se tocan sin querer, y una en la que lo hacen queriendo
adam (& gansey) ; I hacked my brain so I can't get upset anymore / I can't get happy either / which my friends seem to think it's a big deal?
ronan lynch ; I wake abruptly / and just for a moment / I see how the creature looks in the sunlingt
adam/ronan ; you know damn well I'll always want you
adam/ronan ; There is a terrible cost to dark magic / but you know what they say / You can't take it with you
gansey ; el rey que fue y que será (+imagen)
adam parrish ; (imágenes)
blue/gansey ; alt-j - dancing in the moonlight cover
gansey + ronan o gansey/ronan ; getting matching tatoos.
blue/gansey ; (gif)
ronan lynch ; (imagen)
adam parrish ; I am so tired of taking everyone's word for it / that money doesn't buy happiness
gen ; homesick ghosts keep you awake (+imagen)
adam/ronan ; maybe if I avoid him long enough we could skip the talking part of "we need to talk
adam/ronan ; I would kill for you / but then again / I like killing
gansey/blue ; if you want the impossible / you have to make it want you back
blue & ronan ; (imagen)
adam parrish ; Who will hear the screams if no one is close enough to lend me their ears?
Ronan Lynch ; He tenido un sueño, y aunque comprendo que sólo es un sueño, no consigo despertarme.
adam/ronan ; (imagen)
gen, ronan & noah ; las aventuras de Noah y Ronan cuando Gansey no está en Monmouth
joseph kavinsky ; it's better to burn out / than to have to keep living

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