wow its been a while. lj died, im sorry, yeah. it was never really that lively anyway, but yeah ok now its just dead. so whats up ppl. my fingers are freakin freezing. so i guess i should go to sleep now.
ellos... at melody/nicole/aunt mimi`s house wit caroline tiff gloria dee and erica ;DD hahaha we`re so cool =DDD mmm so leanred a whole freakin dance today in the super hot heat... dying...
reeeaaaallyyy bored. i have the biggest urge to steal that movie survey thing off daphne`s lj, but i have a feeling i won`t finish it =.= ahaha *sigh* i`ll go work on the thing i`m working on... this was a totally pointless lj post. deal with it.
ahh that reminds me of that eminem song. KARENS BACK... BACK AGAIN! lol =X that was our song for the greek olympics on 6th grade xDDDDDD anyway, it was so fucking awesome. the middle sucked, but it got sooo much better. pics and stories on my xanga july third and fourth. okay bye!!! im all jittery and spazzy for no reason. =DDDD
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off to nyc i fly tomorrow... east coast and canada tour... 8 days, a billion places, my ipod is going to diiee =] hehe well, i guess i`ll be seeing you guys
I am officially out of middle school FOREVER! =] sighs, we are now high schoolers... how scary... all the sadness and crap is on my xanga =[ dude there is so much i can say but i really don`t think i can express everything that`s going on... how much i have changed in the past 3 years is unbelievable, how many more people i`ve met, how many friends
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