Title: The Nine Rings of Vos
A Transformers G1 Fanfic
Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko
Summary: Soundwave and the Seekers have a meeting, drink High Grade, then interface the slag out of each other! *bows at the people cheering* Yes my friends, we finally get to see what happened "that night".
Less smutty pieces are here. =/=
(In which sparklings get made.)
As he walked down the corridors, Soundwave felt uncomfortably aware of how he looked. He had dropped by his quarters to remind his creations to behave and remain in the room until he returned, and the little scraplets had ambushed their poor creator with polishing brushes. Soundwave was certain that he would have terrible wax-induced trauma once he got over the shock the Cassettacon’s actions had caused.
On top of the knowledge that his offspring were plotting against him, Soundwave was certain that the Seekers would get the wrong impression from the shine of his armour. Of course, that was probably - no, certainly then reason the sparklings had done what they had. The Cassettacons had become unexpectedly fond of the Lead Seeker trine while Soundwave was gone, and Soundwave was beginning to think that the returned affections of the Seekers were unfeigned. Which just made the whole twisted mess Soundwave’s family life had become even more complicated. If Megatron got wind of this…
Soundwave dreaded to think of what would happen to his creations should the Decepticon Warlord decide that his spies loyalties were compromised. Ratbat especially had a great deal of difficulty hiding his affection for Starscream.
With a low growl, Soundwave dismissed his worries and rang the door chime to the Air Command Trine’s shared quarters.
“Soundwave.” Thundercracker greeted with a faintly amused quirk to his lips, “You haven’t managed to get our door code out of the sparklings yet? I don’t believe that.”
“Presumption:” Soundwave hesitated before deciding to speak truthfully, “Change to code would be made to prevent my knowing.”
“Ha.” Thundercracker shook his head and stepped aside, waving Soundwave in, “If we did that then the sparkling’s would be locked out too. Now get in here and stop acting like we’re going to eat you.”
“Yeah, we’re Seekers, not Insecticons!” Skywarp called from somewhere behind Thundercracker’s wings.
“Caution: Perhaps unnecessary.” Soundwave allowed, slowly following Thundercracker in and letting the door shut behind them, “Wariness: Habit of survival for Decepticons, and difficult to dismiss as unwarranted.”
“He’s honest, at least.” Starscream said dryly, setting down a tray holding several flasks of energon and four drinking cubes. When he straightened back up, Starscream gave Soundwave a smile that was only slightly sarcastic, “Come on, sit down and we’ll get this party started.”
“Suggestion: Acceptable.” Soundwave seated himself in the single chair, leaving the Seekers to arrange themselves on the couch, “Query: Is the drinking to begin now?”
“Of course it is!” Skywarp exclaimed, reaching out for one of the flasks, one with an elegant fluted neck embossed with a black chevron over a white triangle, “That way you can’t wiggle your way out of it!”
‘Damned clever Seekers.’ Soundwave thought with grudging respect. Then blinked at the odd, iridescent shimmer to the energon Skywarp poured for himself and his wingmates, “Energon: Type unfamiliar. Query: Name of formula?”
“It’s a Seeker mix called Black Wings.” Thundercracker said with a blink, “We got you some Seiber Ball Lightning and regular High Grade.”
Soundwave looked at the table, the two flasks meant for him were still under tamper-proof seals. And he did not want to think on how difficult it must have been to locate the Seiberion blend Soundwave secretly favoured. The telepath suspected that his creations had something to do with the Seekers knowing his High Grade preferences. Still… one could never be too careful when dealing with Seekers. Wordlessly, Soundwave picked up one of the already filled cubes.
“Uh… that’s Seeker grade.” Skywarp said after a startled moment.
“Energon: Contaminated?” Soundwave asked, unworried about the grade. Everyone knew that Seekers were lightweights when it came to High Grade. If anything, Soundwave would be probably be safer from overcharging drinking something they had mixed for themselves.
“The energon’s fine.” Starscream gave Soundwave a strange smile and sat back, taking a sip from the cube he had claimed for his own, “Go ahead, tell me what you think of it.”
A thin film of energon shimmered on dark lip plating in an utterly distracting manner.
“Screamer mixed it himself.” Thundercracker said absently, gaze locked on Starscream’s mouth in a vaguely obscene way, “Try it. It’s good.”
Soundwave had the feeling he had been played, and that Thundercracker was not really talking about the High Grade. Yes, he had been well played indeed; Soundwave realized when he remembered that he would have to remove his facemask to drink. Still, no need to be seen as a coward now, Soundwave thought as he retracted his mask and took a healthy mouthful of energon.
“Gack!” Soundwave’s optics blazed, systems revved, and sparks leapt across his glossa as the demonic mix stripped a layer of metal off his intakes on the way down.
“So wha’d’ya think?” Skywarp asked gleefully, “Good isn’t it?”
“An… impressive formula.” Soundwave’s vented heaved as his systems struggled to handle the unexpected energy surge.
“Tell you what.” Thundercracker said conversationally as he cracked open the Seiberion High Grade known as Ball Lightning, poured it into the empty cube, and deftly switched it for the cube of Black Wing hanging from Soundwave’s limp fingers, “We will never mention what an utter fool you just made of yourself as long as you promise to use your real voice when speaking privately with us.”
“Proposal: Accepted.” Soundwave said with a wince, leaning back in his seat.
“Ah!” Starscream chided, raising a warning finger, “I’ll let that one go, but that’s the last I want to hear of that horrible monotone of yours.”
“Very well.” Soundwave agreed, allowing the natural harmonics of his voice release from his strict control, and was gratified to see the Seekers shiver, optics brightening as they lit on his bared mouth, “Formalities: Dealt with. Suggestion: Discuss situation with the sparklings. Goal: Find a way to deal with confliction of bonds.”
“What ‘conflict’?” Skywarp asked, looking honestly puzzled, “They Imprinted on us, and you’re their Creator. That makes you ~wingkin~.”
Now, Soundwave had some very advanced translation programs. He needed them, as a Communications specialist, but the translations of the unfamiliar term used by Skywarp made no sense.
‘Just what does “the wind that flies untouched by mine in the shining light” mean anyway?’ Soundwave puzzled over the word for a moment before saying out loud, “Error: Term unfamiliar. Request explanation.”
“It means, uh.” Thundercracker groped for the words that would properly explain a fundamental concept, finally looking at Starscream for help. Skywarp did the same. Starscream had the best grasp of Standard out of the three of them, which was why he usually did most of the talking. Of course, the sometimes-shaky understanding of the language was why most of the Seekers did not converse regularly with the rest of the Decepticons. Amazing how that led to them being labelled “arrogant”. Same as how refusing to drink the swill the rest of the army passed off as High Grade got them the reputation for being lightweights. For Primus sake, they were jets! Their energy tolerances put most of those lead-drinking groundcrawlers to shame! As Soundwave had just, much to his embarrassment, recently discovered.
“The younglings are family to us now.” Starscream told Soundwave in response to his wingmates pleading optics, the word “family” given a strange weight, “Because you are family to them too, in a way, through the sparklings, you are also family to us as well. That is what Skywarp meant by what he said.”
“Yeah!” Skywarp grinned brightly, “And you don’t need to bargain with family about family.”
“Seekers take care of our own.” Thundercracker said, “You don’t need to worry about trouble from us over this mess. We won’t let the sparklings get hurt because of us if we can help it.”
“Explanation: Acknowledged.” Soundwave tilted his head to one side and asked cynically, “Query: How far does this protection extend?”
“Soundwave, don’t be deliberately obtuse.” Starscream planted his hand on the table between Soundwave’s and leaned forward to hiss in his face, “We are not going to use this against you. We will not allow this to harm the sparklings. We will not allow you to bring harm to them because of your own stupidity. If you get yourself into trouble, we won’t fritz ourselves over you, but we will keep the sparklings safe, and so far as it does not harm us, we will try to see that you make it back to your creations at the end of the solar cycle.”
Soundwave was silent as Starscream sat back, ruminating on what the Seekers had - and had not - told him, as well as what little he had picked up from their thoughts. The telepath looked up from his nearly empty cube - when had that happened? He did not really realize that he had drunk it so quickly - and Soundwave looked steadily at the Seekers. Starscream glared back for a moment before looking away, distracted by something Skywarp had done to the back of his wing. Thundercracker was tracing idle patterns on Starscream’s hip armour, his hand occasionally disappearing behind his wingleader’s back to do some interesting things to Skywarp’s aft. Soundwave hummed thoughtfully, draining the last of his cube, and mused, ‘They do say that truth hides at the bottom of a flask of High Grade. Let’s see how true that is.’
“Apology: Offered.” Soundwave decided that pouring another round was a good idea™, the Seekers cubes had emptied even faster than his, “Intention: Was not to insult, merely to define parameters of new relationship.”
“We can understand that.” Thundercracker said languidly, shifting as Starscream’s hand slid along the upper edge of his wing, “We may have been on the same side of the war for megavorns, but we don’t have a personal relationship beyond our current connections to the sparklings.”
“Conjecture:” Soundwave wondered if the Seekers had always been so tactile, and he just had not noticed, or if this show was for his benefit. His voice deepened in appreciation anyway, making the Seekers squirm in a rather intriguing manner, “Purpose of this meeting: To lay foundation for a personal relationship.”
“Exactly.” Skywarp said, gasping a little when Soundwave’s inquiring hum vibrated along his flight circuits. The slagger probably knew exactly what he was doing too, targeting the sensors tuned to pick up the slightest shift in air currents, “S’not the usual way of things, fer sparklings to Imprint while their Creator is still functional.”
“Especially not on mechs without any real connection to said Creator.” Thundercracker added, engines producing a deep thrum that made Soundwave’s optics brighten in pleasure, and the blue jet continued sardonically, “Leaving us with a half-bond we don’t know what to do with.”
“Situation: Complicated.” Soundwave agreed with a sigh through his vents, “Sparklings: Caused undue distress by our dissention. Solution: Establish rapport which allows them to spend time with us all.”
“An excellent idea, Soundwave.” Starscream purred, arching under his wingmates hands before pinning the telepath with a heated look, “First, perhaps, you could explain to us why the sparklings have the Seeker Codex ingrained in their core programming?”
Skywarp and Thundercracker both pulled back and looked at Starscream incredulously. At the Air Commander’s nod, they switched the shocked look over to Soundwave. The telepath, for his art, had the sinking feeling that he was missing something.
“Clarification: Required.” Soundwave said slowly, watching Starscream for hints, “Query: What is the Seeker Codex?”
“It’s our…” Skywarp fumbled with his cube, not looking at Soundwave anymore, “It’s our Code.”
“The Code makes us Seekers.” Thundercracker said softly, “Without it we wouldn’t be Seekers.”
“Only a Seeker could have produced that algorithm.” Starscream’s voice was a sheathed knife, tracing the edges of Soundwave’s systems, “How did your creations come to posses it? Oh, it was fragmented before, but the Imprinting bond took care of that little problem. If you had spawned with a Seeker, they would have possessed the full Code before we became involved. As they did not, I can only assume the reason their Codex’s were so fragmented was because you did not have access to a complete version of the Code. I would appreciate and explanation, before I assume the worst.”
“Agreement: Situation as stated appears unwholesome.” Soundwave produced a soothing note, and was pleased to see an infinitesimal relaxation in the Seeker’s wings, “Sparklings: All a product of self-induced fission. Codes and spark frequency variations: Gathered via psionic scans of Decepticon forces. Seekers: Most frequent providers of ambient spark energies and codes.”
The Seekers were silent for a long megaclick, absorbing Soundwave’s explanation.
“That…” Starscream looked impressed, “That makes a great deal of sense, given what I found.”
“Wow.” Skywarp said, making an odd face, “I don’t know whether to find that incredibly cool or incredibly creepy.”
“I think it’s rather sad, actually.” Thundercracker said with a sly look at his wingmates, “I mean, he had all those sparklings and never got a decent interface out of it.”
“Hey, yeah.” Skywarp said with a kind of sympathetic horror, “Just did a lot’ve watching other mechs overload from what I’m hearing.”
“Well if voyeurism turns his crank it’s not our place to judge.” Starscream said with a laugh that came dangerously close it a giggle, slanting an inviting glance at Soundwave as he purred, “But perhaps we ought to show him what he’s missing out on? The mech’s produced six Seekerlets without ever interfacing with a Seeker.”
“Now that’s just sad.” Skywarp said breathily, leaning into his wingleader, “We should make it up to him maybe?”
“Show our appreciation.” Thundercracker rumbled, bracing Starscream as Skywarp climbed into his lap, hands beginning to wander, “And thank him for adding to our number?”
“A wonderful idea, wingmates.” Starscream gasped, arching between the darker Seekers as their fingers teased the seams of his armour, “I agree!”
Taken aback by the sudden turn in the conversation, Soundwave could only watch in surprise and delight, as the Seekers turned on each other in a damned fine display of erotica. Considering his options, Soundwave finally shrugged, threw back the rest of his High Grade, and removed his visor to better… appreciate the show.
Reaching out with his telepathic powers, Soundwave found he was tangled in a welcome way in the Seeker’s usually guarded minds. Activating his secondary power, Soundwave experimented with sounds until he found the harmonic that made all three Seekers shudder and cry out loud. Pleasure resonated in the most enthralling manner through a tri-partite bond. Which was interesting in and of itself; Soundwave had never suspected that the Seekers were bonded, especially not so deeply. The possibilities presented by that information were… intriguing.
“Are you really - ah!” Starscream gasped as Thundercracker bit the edge of his wing with a growl, “Really just going to sit there and watch?”
“Suggestion: Starscream should come over here.” Soundwave produced a short vibrato scale that made all three Seekers shudder and clutch at each other, “Soundwave: Will show Starscream that I can do more than just watch.”
“Oh?” Starscream wiggled out from between his smirking wingmates and sauntered provocatively towards Soundwave, leaning down to purr into the telepath’s sensitive audio, “I’d like you see you prove it, voyeur.”
“Challenge: Accepted.” Soundwave growled back, upping the volume of his hum, and was rewarded for his tactic with Starscream’s knees going weak. This allowed the telepath to pull the tri-coloured Seeker into his lap, one forearm across Starscream’s lower back to keep the jet in place.
“Ooh, you cheated.” Starscream groaned, wiggling delightfully as Soundwave’s free hand explored his body. The strong arm caging his waist, the solid bulk of the telepath between his legs, so different from his wingmates, it made Starscream’s circuits tingle. And what Soundwave could do with his hands, Starscream moaned, clawing at blue shoulders, “Ah! Right there!”
Soundwave hummed thoughtfully, mapping out the spots that made Starscream moan and squirm. The outside edge of the wing was oddly insensitive, but stroking the wider expanse of the wing surface made Starscream gasp, and curling his fingers into the underside of the joint pulled the first scream of the night from the Air Commander.
A scream with twinned echoes.
Soundwave acted on a hunch, pressing his thumb into the seam around Starscream’s cockpit, the digit rubbing against sensitive flight controls. Both Thundercracker and Skywarp wailed in time with Starscream, the bond between them rippling with shared pleasure.
Well. Was that not interesting.
Aware that the other two were watching them eagerly, Soundwave decided that it was time to show them what he was really capable of. Grasping Starscream’s helm, Soundwave pulled him into a kiss, glossa sliding into the dark mouth. Starscream purred into the kiss as Soundwave stroked his throat. It was gratifying that he never noticed Soundwave sliding open the cover of the access panel on his pelvis. Starscream’s interface unit was located just under the bottom point of his canopy, tantalizingly close to his flight systems. Soundwave’s was located under the buttons on his lower abdomen. A perfect fit for what the telepath had planned.
Smirking, Soundwave directed the cables to loosen in their housing. It was time to show the Seekers just what interfacing with a Seiberion Telepath entailed.
Shoving his way into Starscream’s mind, much easier to do now that he was not trying to make sense of it, Soundwave located Starscream’s pleasure nodes and took control of them.
“Ah! What?” Starscream’s vocalizer betrayed him, as always, letting Soundwave hear the surprise and lust the Seeker felt. It was gratifying.
“Suggestion: Hold on.” Soundwave warned the Seeker in his lap. Starscream blinked at him in confusion, and Soundwave firmed his grip on Starscream’s waist.
And struck.
The interface cables usually hidden beneath Soundwave’s buttons slammed into Starscream’s bared ports, forging a hard-line connection that Soundwave used to flood Starscream’s systems with hard energy pulses. The Seeker screamed, surging wildly in Soundwave’s grip. Soundwave purred in satisfaction as yet more of his cables located Starscream’s own interface cords and established more connections, reversing the data flow and ramping up the intensity of the surges that wracked Starscream’s systems. With Soundwave having reversed the flow of his interface cables along with being jacked in to Starscream’s ports, the Seeker had no way to redirect the energy back into Soundwave. Instead, Soundwave looped Starscream’s pleasure into the trinebond, causing Thundercracker and Skywarp to shriek and thrash on the couch as the overwhelming feelings ricocheted through all three of them. Starscream’s hands clawed at Soundwave’s back plating as the Seeker keened, optics so bright they were nearly washed white.
“S-Soundwave!” Starscream mewled as the telepath pressed gentle denta into dark neck-cables. The deep chuckle against his throat made Starscream quiver, and he pressed closer to the delicious pressure in his ports as he moaned, prompting Soundwave to send another pulse of energy through their connection.
“Patience.” Soundwave murmured, hands burying themselves underneath Starscream’s wings. Blue digits flexed as yet more cables from secondary units housed in his forearms attached themselves to Starscream, jacking directly into the ultra sensitive wing sensors and flooding them with energy surges.
Starscream bucked, held down only by Soundwave’s grip and screamed, vision flickering white as Soundwave expertly cycled the pleasure higher. Bringing the Seekers together to the very brink of overload.
To the edge, but no further.
Mercilessly, Soundwave pounded Starscream’s systems with energy, but refused to push him that last little bit into overload. Soundwave's telepathic powers extended to ensure he was kept at the very limit of intense pleasure. Starscream thrashed and wailed, demanding release, but that just prompted Soundwave to twist his hands, jarring the wing circuits and sending Starscream into babbling incoherency. Whimpering as his internal fans struggled to regulate his internal temperature, Starscream clung to Soundwave, wrapping his arms around the telepath’s shoulders.
“Please…” Starscream moaned helplessly as warnings flashed across his alert programs.
“Break for me.” Soundwave growled, and amplified the effects of the trinebond to make every feeling three times more intense.
And Starscream broke.
Babbling incoherent pleas and promises, Starscream relinquished all control, realizing that Soundwave had well and truly won their little game. No longer even aware of which language he was speaking Starscream fell silent and just shuddered against Soundwave. With a pleased purr, the telepath captured Starscream’s mouth and played his final card. The thick spike hidden under his cables speared up into Starscream, raw energy sparking along its length. At the same time Soundwave shoved his hands deeper into Starscream’s wings. The spike crowded Starscream’s port, pressing all the connections tighter, combining the surges into a continuous maddening flow, faster, stronger. The scream the Seeker released as overload hit was glorious.
Soundwave hummed gently as Starscream slumped against him, his own systems running high but well under his control. Starscream was twitching in the aftermath, sparks skittering along his wings and optics dim. Removing his hands from Starscream’s wings, Soundwave gently tested the connection to Starscream’s access ports.
‘I barely fit.’ Soundwave thought in amusement, probing with his fingertips as Starscream whimpered, shuddering as Soundwave’s exploration jarred over-sensitive connectors, ‘I never knew Seeker’s were so small. I doubt any energy got lost in the exchange.’
Fingers slick with cooling gel, Soundwave allowed Starscream a moment of peace as he looked over at the other two members of the trine. Skywarp and Thundercracker were collapsed on the couch in a trembling, tempting pile. Disconnecting himself from Starscream, Soundwave prowled closer to the two jets, examining them critically. Thundercracker seemed the most coherent, looking up as Soundwave approached. Choice made, Soundwave reached out and dragged Skywarp upright, bracing the dark Seeker against one end of the couch. Skywarp squeaked in apprehension as Soundwave loomed over him.
“Um.” Skywarp managed a feeble grin; “I suppose it’s my turn now?”
“Affirmative.” Soundwave replied, allowing the vibrato of his voice to roll over Skywarp’s circuits. The black and purple Seeker shuddered, looking both excited and apprehensive. Soundwave’s interface cables - thick, numerous, and Primus did the mech even have any ports under that mess? - were gleaming with Starscream’s coolant and lubricants. Skywarp thought that should seem dirty, but it just made his engines rev higher. Soundwave smirked, as if he knew what Skywarp was thinking - and oh, yeah, telepath. Right. - Still, he had no business hiding a face like that under a mask where Skywarp could not see it.
Soundwave made an amused noise, tumbling Skywarp against the arm of the couch and sliding his hand teasingly along the seam of Skywarp’s access panel. Moaning shamelessly, Skywarp let his legs open, wrapping them around Soundwave’s waist as his fans whirled to eager life. Soundwave gave a short hum of consideration as he knelt over Skywarp, and then pushed the amber canopy up and out of his way.
“Wha-? Ah!” Skywarp’s head whipped back as he arched, Soundwave’s glossa and fingers - Winds of Mercy how many interface points did the mech have? - Buried deep in Skywarp’s telemetry systems, making the teleporter gasp, “Cheating cheater!”
Ignoring the curses Skywarp babbled over his head, Soundwave just hummed louder, smirking as he popped open Skywarp’s interface unit. Eager cords sought out ports and cables, jacking in, latching on and forging the hard-line connection. Skywarp broke much faster than Starscream had. Soundwave amplified the bondlink feedback loop once again moments before releasing his spike. With the connectors pressed so tightly together and every feeling amplified, Skywarp practically levitated off the couch when his overload surged through him. Sparks flew from circuitry to wires and Soundwave slammed his systems with surges to prolong the storm of feeling. Skywarp was a whimpering mess when it finished.
Satisfied that he had proven himself to Skywarp, Soundwave withdrew from the teleporter, taking a step back to admire the sight he made. Skywarp was wrung out and limp, access port bared for any to see, shining with coolant and still sparking faintly with Soundwave’s energy. It made a bolt of arousal shoot through Soundwave’s already charged systems.
Turning, Soundwave stepped up to Thundercracker. The blue Seeker barely seemed to notice Soundwave, having been though two overloads already along with his wingmates. Soundwave smiled and curved his hands under Thundercracker’s thighs, pushing until Thundercracker grabbed the back of the couch, staring up at Soundwave with startled optics as the telepath pushed open his access hatch with little preamble. The connections slammed into place, surges crashing into Thundercracker’s already oversensitive systems. The usually calm jet howled when Soundwave’s hands dung into his thrusters and Thundercracker completely forgot about the slight discomfort of being folded with his knees up by his vents. Thundercracker could feel Soundwave twisting the trinebond, amplifying the sensations that carried across it, and swamping his poor, oversensitive wingmates with yet more torturously pleasurable surges. Soundwave twisted his fingers in Thundercracker’s thrusters; spike slamming in to amp the connection and Thundercracker fell screaming into overload.
Only their fans broke the ensuing silence for the next megaclick as they recovered.
“Primus wept.” Starscream rasped from his place draped across Soundwave’s abandoned chair, “Why the slag hasn’t someone snatched you up yet?”
“Nng.” Thundercracker agreed, or would as soon as he could formulate coherent thought again.
Soundwave shrugged, pulling away from Thundercracker and grabbing the bottle of High Grade, not bothering with the cube and drinking straight from the flask, “Issue: Prospective mates unable to satisfy. Result: Unfortunate celibacy.”
“Thass… no good.” Skywarp mumbled, his Standard barely recognizable as he slid down the couch to slump against Thundercracker.
“Berth?” Thundercracker suggested after giving the matter due thought, and pointed out the most important issue, “Wave hasn’t overloaded yet.”
“Good idea.” Starscream stumbled to his pedes, grabbed a bemused Soundwave in one hand, the Seeker-grade in the other, and then took both into the recharge chamber.
“Hey!” Thundercracker sputtered, heaving himself upright and dragging Skywarp with him, “Stealin’ my idea!”
“Not fair.” Skywarp pouted, clinging to Thundercracker as they scrambled after the other two, “Mean Screamer.”
“Should learn to keep up!” Starscream blew static at his wingmates before passing them the High Grade and pushing Soundwave down onto the berth.
Skywarp and Thundercracker looked at each other and shrugged, finishing off the High Grade for the energy boost and pouncing on the two already on the berth.
The next several breems were confusing. Cables and energies got so mixed up it was hard to tell who was who they were tangled together so tightly. Soundwave was reasonably certain that the red port his main interface unit was buried in belonged to Starscream, which meant that the secondary units in his forearms were connected to Skywarp and Thundercracker. Three pairs of hands made it difficult to focus though, as they roamed over his body, sparking off intense pleasure along his circuits. Soundwave had buried himself in the feedback loop this time, no longer holding himself back and revelling in the storm of sensation he sparked off in the Seekers. They fit so damn tight around his connector cables he could feel every spark and surge of their systems, and every movement he made sent another jolt of energy blasting through the four of them.
Later, not even the Seekers would be able to say who had first bared their spark; they had all been so tightly twined together that it did not really matter anyway. Four sparks shone brightly as tendrils of energy leapt out. Light arced from one spark to the next until a bright whirling vortex had formed between four frozen, kneeling forms. Overload hit with the force of a nuclear strike, blowing them back into their bodies as the communion ended in a glorious supernova of light.
Slowly, Soundwave collapsed backwards on the berth, amused when he noticed for the first time that the Seekers had welded three standard issue officer bunks together to produce a pad more than large enough to hold all four of them. The Seekers collapsed on top of him, already halfway into recharge. He thought about protesting, but they really were not all that heavy. Exhausted, Soundwave took stock of his position. With a Seeker weighing down each arm and another sacked out on his chest, he was not going anywhere until they woke up. Aside from that, he was unaccountably comfortable, and did not really want to move.
Soundwave supposed that a short recharge where he was would not hurt anybody.
In the quiet of the darkened quarters, four exhausted mechs slumbered in a tangled pile. And as they slept, three tiny sparks, so small they could not yet been seen, pulled gently, almost shyly away from their parent sparks and fluttered softly as their creators dreamed.
(Word Count: 4763)
I... I did it. Holy slag. I finally got Soundwave to fess up about what he did to the Seekers the night he knocked them up! Yes! *victory dance*
I'd like the thank the War Academy, and especially
ante_luce for playing with me and giving me exactly the right
comments to convince Soundwave to shut up and put up. XP I love you all and hope you enjoy the show.
I will now sit back with my strawberries, my chocolate truffles, and my cube of the pink bubbly stuff and bask in the afterglow.