I tweaked one of the stories I wrote earlier -- added a scene from another story that fit there better, altered a few lines to bring it more in line with the ficton as it had developed, etc.
Far and Far From Land-setting- AU more or less tracking canon from the beginning of first season, ending before "The Return" would have happened. Gen.
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Comments 33
This is a really interesting story. I didn't see how the bits fit together for the longest time, but the aspects in which Earth culture is seen from outside and the Satedan legends really caught me, since that's one of my favorite underrealized elements of SGA fic. (The scene with Ronon's "hart" story was hysterical.) The separate threads were intriguing but puzzled me until I started to see the little hints tying ( ... )
//the aspects in which Earth culture is seen from outside and the Satedan legends really caught me, since that's one of my favorite underrealized elements of SGA fic.//
Those are some of my favorite things to play with in SGA, so I'm always glad when somebody else likes them.
And I'm glad you liked the hart opera -- that was one of the bits I was giggling to myself over when writing.
//The separate threads were intriguing but puzzled me until I started to see the little hints tying things together. Seeing that they all in fact do relate was very satisfying.//This is sort of "the story whose backstory exploded"; initially I was just going to write the last scene, and then I thought that it really needed something beforehand to set it up, and then another bit to clarify something that would be referred to, and then another, and another, and before I knew it I had too much text to fit in a single livejournal post ( ... )
(Everyone else seems to find Ronon's story as funny as I did. Funny, that. ^_^ )
//Ford! Yay!//
I miss Ford. (This is why I kept him in my AU proper; " The Sun Shines Bright On Every Stone" is a Ford-centric tag to this story, for instance.)
//And trying to explain the history of racism to Teyla, oh boy.//
There's so much of it, and it's nearly all ugly, and so much of it is of the sort that you'd have to either drain half the blood out of your veins and replace it with turpentine or grow up with a ton of unexamined preconceptions for it to begin to make something resembling sense...
... that and Ford's perspective is almost certainly going to be a better picture of the modern situation than Sheppard's or Elizabeth's or Rodney's.
//And Carson's "All sea stories are sad."//They pretty much all are, at least in part, even the most joyous of them. The sea's just too big, and too non-human-suited an environment ( ... )
(And now I'm just going to float around all day -- I treasure my copies of The Innkeeper's Song and The Last Unicorn.)
And another thing, I love how the stories are connected to one another. Even though I hadn't really realised it at the beginning >_
//And another thing, I love how the stories are connected to one another.//
The fact that I started with the last scene and kept writing backwards is probably why the end result turned out as integrated as it did. ^_^
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