Oct 12, 2008 09:53
Our excuses to wage war always change; we fought traitors to the crown, and now heathens in the name of religion. Those who deny violence has solved more problems in our history have no clue pertaining to the nature of humanity.
Even a man like myself... afraid for his light.
Perhaps I worry too much.
Oct 01, 2008 13:05
Ok. Robert's just left the brothel. There's the street.
He winds in and out of the crowd. People are so numerous that Robert cannot help bumping into them as he cuts through. The floral scent of lilies is in the air, and on his face is the goofiest smile you've ever seen.
And he just collided with you.
miss jane,
miss ataraxy,
father chaser,
miss cecile,
miss julia
Sep 28, 2008 20:24
We can make this disaster a party, rather than a memory. The days come and go like inward and outbound tides sent from a distant lonely god, and if we do not use the gifts they bring, they carry them as silently away.
On the night of Saturday October 25th, we shall forget life is not always the party we hoped for.
miss jane,
mr johannes