we wrestled soooo good last night when we got home from dj night (i know its girls night but thats not a mental concept for me). two beers was just enough for me to really try to pound him. we had a wonderful time
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hating, hating, hating everything. feeling hedged in by everything. is it so wrong to want to do too many things too much of the time? i want to spend every moment of my life doing at least 5 different things - yeah each of them at every moment - as well as dozens of others that i want to do half or a quarter or some other fraction of the time. and
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have just spent roughly 12 hours working on my senior work proposal. i think its kindve vague. but i don't want to lay down my cards until the game is over. i think it says enough to show i'm going in an interesting direction. i will make it an interesting direction. the action most practical for everyone is the one best working for everyone =
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weird feelings. FSS people, allison just added some of the most classic high school photos that exist. getting really angsty about finishing school - i want to stay! so much of the time i want to be done but then i have moments when i go, holy shit i have no idea what leibniz was about. or spinoza. or husserl and heidegger, really. i want to go
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a list of words to describe how i've been feeling lately: paralysed, frenetic, frantic, guilty, shameful, distracted, nauseous, anxious, ineffective, fat, unfocused, messy, lazy, unproductive
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