Title: In a Single Moment Author: SarahSezLove Rating: None Warnings: None Characters/Pairing: Luke/Noah Word Count: 1314 Disclaimer: I know it’s gonna come as a shock…but I don’t own or make any money. AN: Written for the nukeminibang
What can I say? I am blown away again by your wonderful descriptive writing Sarah.
You say so much in such few words. I thought it was Noah you were writing about...but no...not till end and you reveal...Luke and Noah have actually gave hope to this young boy whose life hasn't been easy.
But their love has shone through that glass window and gave him a glimpse of what will be his future with someone who will love him just like Luke and Noah love one another.
Damn it's hard to type with tears in my eyes. I love seeing them through someone else's eyes and I love to think of them making someone elses life better just by being themselves. A wonderful story.
Re: I thinksarahsezloveMarch 25 2013, 21:20:48 UTC
Thank you so much, Cindy. I often think that you get more of an insight into people when you try to see them from the outside. I hope I managed that here.
God Sarah you are amazing ... every word that flowed form this story said something meaning full .. A beautifully written piece of work you always deliver perfection xx
Damn, this is good, Sarah. And I totally didn't catch on that Noah was in the coffee shop, and NOT the kid on the bench. Very clever how you showed us a glimpse of where he once was (right down to the crush on the hazel-eyed boy), and juxtaposed that with the actual Noah, having come into his own.
You had me at the beginning. I thought you were describing Noah's pain.
But the twist at the end there was beautiful done; Luke and Noah, as husbands no less, having such an impression over the young stranger while just enjoying a simple moment together.
Comments 35
You say so much in such few words. I thought it was Noah you were writing about...but no...not till end and you reveal...Luke and Noah have actually gave hope to this young boy whose life hasn't been easy.
But their love has shone through that glass window and gave him a glimpse of what will be his future with someone who will love him just like Luke and Noah love one another.
Fabulous and oh so moving. Loved it.
Awesome banner btw by your Nathan!!! x
And yeah - my Nathan is a gem :)
I often think that you get more of an insight into people when you try to see them from the outside. I hope I managed that here.
You had me at the beginning. I thought you were describing Noah's pain.
But the twist at the end there was beautiful done; Luke and Noah, as husbands no less, having such an impression over the young stranger while just enjoying a simple moment together.
Simply wonderful!
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