Thanks to a very special (and cute! ;-) ) friend of mine, I now have both of my livejournals back - I thought they'd died from neglect. I'll only be using this one though, the user name is easier ot remember. (Thanks Cindy!)
Last night I wrote something. I don't know what it is, but I'm going to post it. Don't expect too much. ;-)
Rituals and Writing )
Comments 2
I can see just what you mean. I still think that very nice, but I know what you mean about not having your narrative voice. That wasn't you, it isn't you - you're somewhere, but you're not in those words. My advice: just keep slogging through. That's the only thing you can do, unless someone has developed a miracle learn-o-matic and I don't know about it. I was exactly here much less than a year ago. Over the past, I dunno, six months-ish I've been writing way more than usual...and my LJ has helped loads. My advice would be to write every day, something that isn't a "my day was blah blah" journal entry. Write a story, or work on a novel, or write a rambling post about shoes or trees or cement or rain (as in, anything that strikes your fancy), just be sure you're writing. And then look over and find everything you like, and everything you hate (force yourself to like some of it if you have to), and do it again the next day, and the next day, and the next ( ... )
I really appreciate your support, Cindy. You're a wonderful, amazing, fantastic friend and such an example to me.
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