My mind runs at a mile a miniute, while each hour seems like it will never end. IM borred, such a sudden change to routine, such a sudden change to emotional well being. Its sucks cause i know whats missing, and that its gone, and yeah i know ifs for the better ............ geuss it just hurts. I cant belive we got so close to eachother, monday he
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Well what can i say moving back to moms has sucked, work as suck and everything else in my life well has pretty much sucked! Over the last 2 months i cant even totally explain what has happened. I geuss my whole life has been fliped upside down and my emotions have been sitting on roller coaster that hasnt seemed to end
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k so im really not happy to be living with my momma. Shes always complaining about something every five seconds. Ive lived on my own for so long now living with her is sheer hell. and still she wonders why i stay in my room. Im not looking forward to the next few months. I just wanna get on my feet and get the hell outta here
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i cant sleep. My sleeping patterns have been fucked up so bad latley. Im getting a little more sleep then last week but not by much. I keep having that same reoccuring nightmeare which haunts me
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so everytime i close my eyes i see that damn car who hit us. its like an instant replay over and over an over constantly repeating itself
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I may as well have pulled an all nighter.. i have been so productive tongiht. did a lot o finxing to a pwerpoint , did all the reaserch all ovr again, did rouch copys , brainstormed, read 3 chapters of a book for a book repeopt due tomorrow and now i wanna die... i busted out so much quailty work for the night before it is due. DID i mention that i
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A long long day. I hate my school. I hate people in it and i hate my classes. I hate taking tests. I had 1 big test and 2 other small quizzes today. I dunno how i did on the test i probally bombed it like everything else but meah. "just keep trying" right? who knows. Ive started packing up the apartment. IM taking the First Load back to markham
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