Title: Pink (part 3/no more than five?)
Pairing: RyoDa
Rating: PG 13
Summary: And the miniseries goes on. This might be a slight filler, slightly dramatic as well. The song is written but where do these two stand, now there is nothing to pay back for? Or is there?
Disclaimer: It would be really fun, if I could just order them online, and in a week they would arrive in a box all plastered with signs FRAGILE on it.
No beta
This fic was moved to my writing community
pillow_verse, to read the fic, follow the link:
He closes his eyes, admits the defeat and falls asleep Ryo decided to play along one more time, but really I so do not approve. Oh boys … And Ueda should face his pink apron.
I have played as a big girl today and I don´t like it at all. Let´s stay kids for a little longer, ok?
Comments are love, constructive criticism even more.