Title: A Wonderful Institution Characters: House/Wilson Rating: PG-13 Words: 1,000 Summary: Gay marriage is now legal in New Jersey. Wilson wants to get hitched.
Title: Curious Characters: House, Wilson Rating: PG-13 Words: 2,000 Summary: House and Wilson argue over whose balls are bigger. I honestly believe it's better than it sounds.
Title: What You Can Live With Characters: House, Wilson Rating: PG Words: 1,600 Summary: Wilson's chemo causes a new complication. House takes drastic action. Inspired by the "Back Door" prompt at hw-prompts. Part of a series of road trip stories.
Title: Nice Work If You Can Get It Characters: House, Wilson Rating: PG-13 Words: 4,500 Summary: House catches his first case; Wilson flirts with people. Part of a series of post-finale Tiny House stories.
Title: Step From Where You're Standing Characters: House, Wilson Rating: PG-13 Words: 3,900 Summary: Wilson helps House decide on a career path. Part of a series of post-finale Tiny House stories.
Title: A Normal Reaction Characters: Wilson Rating: PG-13 Words: 1,000 Summary: Some thoughts Wilson might have had when he believed House was dead. Written for the sick-wilsonEmotional Hurt challenge.
Title: A Mostly Good Thing Characters: House, Wilson Rating: PG-13 Words: 3,100 Summary: A gunman is in the clinic. So are House and Wilson. Written for the sick-wilsonHurt/Comfort Trope Bingo Challenge. I chose the prompt, Taken Hostage/Kidnapped.
Title: Gay Guide to a More Perfect Union Characters: House/Wilson, est. Rating: PG-13 Words: 3,800 Summary: House and Wilson volunteer for a study of same-sex couples. In the name of science.