My bank account is empty till mid next week and I'm suppose to survive on 3 cigs. This is not very cool. Give it a day and I'm going to be twitching...badly.
AHAH now you know why I quit smoking. lol. thanks for the advise *MUAH* when I get some moneys together ill donate to the Lia fund...for the terminally fashionable...AKA the midnight seven eleven trips. luv ya =D miss ya always...
dude, the midnight 711 trips are not as fun when ur not here, lol. I actually hella miss 711. The closest one is a 20 min walk and I'm too lazy. I do miss those yummy hot cocoas they have. No, now my replacement is the Geary crossroad liquor shizzle, haha. Miss ya too obiousely.
ahahaha ill make a dontation to college drunkenness then. lol yeah man there hot cocoas are kick ass im now stuck with the gross icky ones that they sell at the college which they make it look like they are the seven eleven ones....bastards...tricksy bastards....
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