Title: Three Decades Later
Length: One-shot (approx. 5500 words)
Author: sayhell Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Kyuwook
Genre: Mild fluff, Mild angst (In actual fact, I don't really know)
Summary: A letter Kyuhyun received from his late wife propelled him to look for Ryeowook. Reunited after three decades of separation, Kyuhyun promised himself that he'll
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Comments 36
How can you do that? I mean, I'm almost crying reading this even though they got together in the end
You write everything so beautifully
thanks for sharing this :)
Thanks for your compliments. And also, thanks for reading this *hugs*.
“I want to apologize to her so much,” Ryeowook whispered. A few tears wended down his cheek to find. “But I can’t. Because that would mean that I’m sorry for loving you.”
You made me cry so hard.
Thank you for sharing your awesome story.
it's sad that they had to be separated, but i'm glad that they'll stay together for the rest of their lives...ah, love~
Thanks for reading this. I like the piece you've submitted, but I guess I'll save my comment for your journal.=)
It's so sad that I didn't get to meet you at the jyj showcase last year, I only knew you went only after you posted about it D: Hope you're getting on well in life hun ♥
I hope that you're fine too bb. =))
only look at Wookie...who wouldn't be happy living with him, being cared by him. :)
the moment of confession was so touching. every word was so deep and expressed that they've unchangeably longed for each other. it's not sad, yet fulfilled the happiness of their 'unyielding love'. << like this phrase.
so yeah, it's so real. I like the point of social restriction you used as the reason of seperation. I might already read few fictions similar to this one by using the same social matter, but this one is different because they've passed that phase already, with pain.
aish..I'm really immersed into the story, though it's just a one-shot, but it'll be stay in my memory. xD
It's sad to say that society's inability to accept remains to be the greatest obstacle for homosexuals to love freely especially in an Asian culture. I've always thought that they (Kyuwook) need to transcend that phase before they can be together and hence, this story.
I'm glad that you like this story. Thanks for reading this. =)
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